
来源 :河南税务 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ununszeto
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我们吉利区地税局现有正式职工19人,管辖着1700余户国有、集体和个体工商业户的税收征管工作。税务机构分设以来,我们按照市局征管改革实施意见,在市局的指导下,95年率先在全市建起了第一个办税服务大厅,在抓好办税服务大厅、硬件建设的基础上,建立健全各项规章制度,强化税收服务意识,改善服务环境,深入开展优质服务活动,不仅密切了征纳关系,促进了精神文明建设的全面发展,而且深化征收改革,保证了各项税收工作的顺利开展。97年获省地税系统征管改革先进单位、省级文明单位,我们办税服务厅获市局文明优质办税服务大厅,连续三年被评为市级先进单位,我们多次受到区委、人大、政府的通报表彰。 一、抓好三个教育 增强服务意识 办税服务大厅是税务机关征收管理的服务窗口,是征纳双方办税的场所,办税服务厅文明服务的好坏直接影响着地税形象,影响着征纳关系。长期以来,由于传统征管制度的影响,往往片面强调纳税人的义务,却忽视其获得优质服务的权力;强调税务人员政治业务素质的提高,却忽视其文明服务意识的培养。因此,我们以征管改革为契机,以转变征管观念为突破口,以思想政治教育、职业道德教育和廉政教育为重点,着力提高干部职工服务意识。 (一)开展为人民服务的教育。首先, Geely District Local Taxation Bureau currently has 19 full-time employees, which governs the tax collection and administration of more than 1,700 state-owned, collective and individual industrial and commercial households. Since the establishment of the taxation agencies, according to the opinions of the Municipal Bureau of Tax Collection and Management Reform, we have taken the lead in setting up the first lobby for tax service in 1995 under the guidance of the Municipal Bureau. On the basis of doing a good job of building tax-service halls and hardware , Establish and improve various rules and regulations, strengthen the awareness of tax services, improve the service environment, and conduct quality service activities in an in-depth manner. Not only the relationship has been adopted closely, the all-round development of spiritual civilization has been promoted, but tax collection has also been deepened. The smooth progress. 97 provincial tax system by the provincial tax collection reform advanced unit, the provincial civilized unit, our tax service hall by the municipal civilized high-quality tax service hall, for three consecutive years was named municipal advanced units, we repeatedly by the District Committee, NPC , The government informed commendation. First, do a good job in three education and enhance service awareness Tax service hall is the tax authorities levied management services window is to collect both tax office, the tax service hall of civilized service has a direct impact on the image of land tax impact levy Relationship. For a long time, due to the traditional system of tax collection and administration, the taxpayers’ obligations are often emphasized one-sidedly while their power to obtain good services is neglected. Emphasis is placed on improving the quality of tax service personnel’s political operations while ignoring the cultivation of their awareness of civilized service. Therefore, we take the reform of the collection and management as a turning point, take the transformation of the concept of collection and management as a breakthrough point, and focus on ideological and political education, professional ethics education and honest education, and strive to raise the awareness of serving the cadres and workers. (I) Carry out education for serving the people. First of all,
目的探讨乳腺浸润性导管癌钙化与人表皮生长因子受体-2(human epidermal growth factor receptor-2,HER-2)及细胞增殖抗原Ki67间的关系。方法术前穿刺活检或术中冰冻组织病理
一忌中午用药 中午用药是错误的。因为中午温度高,水分蒸发量大,用药的浓度相对提高,虽然防治效果好些,但树体很容易产生药害、昆虫产生抗性和造成喷药者中毒,因此不易提倡
WHO Drug Information(WHO 药物情报)是联合国世界卫生组织出版的刊物。1987年创刊,每年出4期,有英、法两种文本。该杂志反映世界各国药物开发及药品管理等方面的最新进展。
<正> “我感到举办这样规模的纪念活动,在旧中国不可能,在解放后的十七年里也不可能,更不用说在文化大革命中了。我想强调的是,只有在中国政府十多年来一再重申并坚持改革开放、坚持实事求是、重视发展民族音乐文化这样的大环境下,中央音乐学院才能举办这样内容的纪念活动。” 这实实在在的一段话,是专程从意大利回国参加纪念活动的萧友梅长子、著名画家、米兰美术学院教授萧勤先生在纪念大会上讲的。于1990年12月26—27日
<正> 作曲教学与音乐创作的状况如何,质量怎样,在某种程度上关系到整个音乐文化水平的高低。在这两个领域里,有许多问题值得总结、研究和探讨。本期学报发表了一组有关作曲教学和与创作直接相关的技术理论方面的文章,供读者参阅。这里,我们想藉此就音乐创作中几个大家比较关心且有一定争议的问题谈一下我们的基本看法。