
来源 :兵团建设 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangzi_job
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开栏语2009年6月,兵团党委大调整、大转变的战鼓隆隆擂响、战车轰轰启动,“大调整、大转变”六个字振聋发聩。这标志着兵团将改变“以农为主”的传统发展模式,加快推进经济结构战略性大调整、发展方式战略性大转变。不断深入贯彻落实科学发展观,坚定不移地实施优势资源转换战略和大企业大集团战略,走农业产业化和新型工业化道路,努力实现兵团经济超常规、跨越式发展,确保兵团率先在西北地区全面建成小康社会,为自治区经济社会又好又快发展作出更大贡献。半年间,兵团各个师、团都在积极进行大调整、大转变,每个兵团人对这六个字的理解也愈发深刻。本刊特开辟新栏目“调结构转方式”介绍各个师、团的先进经验及兵团人对经济结构战略性大调整、发展方式战略性大转变的思考。 In 2009 June, Corps party committees to make major adjustments, the transformation of the war drum rumble, chariot start, “big adjustment, big change ” six words deafening. This signifies that the Corps will change its traditional development model of “focusing on agriculture” and accelerate the strategic readjustment of the economic structure and the strategic change in its mode of development. We will continue to implement the scientific concept of development, unswervingly implement the strategy of advantageous resources conversion and the strategy of large enterprises and large groups, take the road of agricultural industrialization and new-type industrialization, and strive to achieve unconventional and leapfrog economic development in the Corps so as to ensure that the corps takes the lead in the northwest region Build an overall well-to-do society and make greater contribution to the sound and rapid economic and social development of the autonomous region. In the past six months, all the divisions and groups in the Corps have been making major readjustments and major changes, and their understanding of these six words has become more and more profound. We have opened up a new column titled “Structure Adjustment and Transfer” to introduce the advanced experience of all divisions and delegations and the thinking of the Corps of Corporations on the strategic readjustment of the economic structure and the strategic transformation of the development mode.
创造性地使用教材,主要是指要转变教学思想. 基于这个理论,我们就有了对英语教学资源进行整合的依据. 语言的教学本身就是一个发展变化的过程. 取舍和调整有积极的意义.整合
摘 要: 作者就中职生的职业意识进行了问卷调查,围绕入学动机和专业兴趣、职业规划和设计、职业定位和期望、职业情感和敬业精神、创业意识等展开,调研了苏南地区中职生职业意识现状,旨在为提出相应对策提供依据。  关键词: 苏南地区 中职生 职业意识 现状调查  “就业难”是近年媒体频频出现的词语之一,与之相应的则是“技工荒”。当前我国生产服务第一线技能型人才特别是高级技能人才严重不足,技能型人才的紧缺已
目的 探讨烧伤早期损害综合防治措施对提高第3阶段我所烧伤存活率的作用。方法 将我所收治的12 568例烧伤病人按时间顺序分为3个阶段,回顾性分析3个阶段病人的面积分布、存