
来源 :北京水利 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:taowangqing
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北京市农业节水在取得辉煌成绩的同时,如何在21世纪的征程上再上新台阶,关键是要总结经验,认真解决好节水形式单一,难以适应京郊率先基本实现农业现代化和北京水资源可持续利用的形势要求;解决好科学研究跟不上生产发展的要求以及管理滞后,机制不活,影响效益发挥等问题。 With the brilliant achievements of agriculture in Beijing, how to take the journey to a new stage in the 21st century is the key to summing up experience, earnestly solving the problem of a single form of water saving and making it difficult for Beijing to take the lead in basically realizing agricultural modernization and Beijing Water Resource requirements for sustainable use of the situation; solve the scientific research can not keep up with the requirements of the development of production and management lag, the mechanism inactivated, affect the effectiveness of such issues.
Forest biological disasters(FBD) seriously impact energy flow and material cycling in forest ecosystems,while the underlying causes of FBD are complex. These di
新立城水库位于长春市南关区距市中心16km2的伊通河上。集水面积1970km2,总库容5.92亿m3,是以供给长春市工业和生活用水为主、兼顾下游防洪的大型水库。设计年供水量8880万m3,1998年实际年供水量 12 000万 m3,是长春
塔带机与混凝土供料线相结合 ,具有很强的混凝土水平运输、垂直运输与仓面布料能力 ,是今后大坝混凝土浇筑的发展方向。惠特斯坝以 3台塔带机为主导施工设备 ,在一年内浇筑 2
礼者 ,敬意之谓也。朱熹注《论语·为政》曰 :“礼 ,谓制度品节也。”按此注释 ,礼应是泛指社会规范和道德规范。不论表示敬意抑或规范 ,这个礼重点之处不应是落实具体的钱和
毫无疑问 ,有许多方法可以用来解释社会科学———或广而言之 ,社会、行为和经济的科学 (SBE)———这种智力活动的发展。一种方法是追溯学科内部观念的演化 ,以及观念不断挑战
基于最近实验工作的结果(2010 Nat.Phys.6 265)即Danzl等在五能级M型级联系统中分别利用连续型和四光子型受激拉曼绝热通道(stimulated Raman adiabatic passage,STIRAP)实现
In Europe, very small forest areas can be considered to be old-growth, and they are mainly located in Eastern Europe. The typical structures of old growth fores
本文通过对金属螺旋桩与土相互作用的分析,从理论上给出了确定旋桩转速的公式,对金属螺旋桩的参数进行了优化,并通过实验进行了验证。 Through the analysis of the interactio