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今年年初,人民日报海外版第2版推出了一个《众生相》专栏,迄今(3月25日)为止,已刊登了53篇。这个栏目刊出以来,受到广大读者,特别是海外读者的注意和好评。一些海外读者说:“我们爱看《众生相》,从中了解到了大陆上普通老百姓的生活。”《人民中国》杂志一位编辑来电话说:“这里介绍的人物,面广,特点突出,很有价值。”他们还准备挑选一部分编一期特集。 Earlier this year, People’s Daily Overseas Version 2 released a “Living Beings” column, so far (March 25), has published 53 articles. Since the publication of this column, it has received the attention and praise of readers, especially overseas readers. Some overseas readers said: “We love to see the” living beings, “and learn about the life of ordinary people on the mainland.” An editor from People’s China called and said: “The characters introduced here are prominent and prominent. Value. ”They are also going to pick part of a special edition.
Manufacturing robotics is moving towards human-robot collaboration with light duty robots being used side by side with workers. Similarly, exoskeletons that are
甘蔗(Saccharum spp. hybrid)是全世界最重要的糖料作物和能源作物。甘蔗花叶病(sugarcane mosaic disease,SMD)是严重危害甘蔗生产的病毒性病害之一,SMD的病原主要是甘蔗花叶病毒
This paper establishes a new framework for modeling electrical cyber-physical systems(ECPSs),integrating both power grids and communication networks. To model t
Recently, low-dose computed tomography (CT) has become highly desirable because of the growing conce for the potential risks of excessive radiation. For low-dos
目的从文献计量学的角度分析最近5年胰腺神经内分泌肿瘤在影像学领域的研究状况。方法下载Pub Med数据库中2010~2015年相关的文献题录,用Bicomb 2.0软件和SPSS 22.0统计软件