Isolation and culture of adult Sertoli cells and their effects on the function of co-cultured alloge

来源 :Chinese Medical Journal | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aiyouxizhiwojian
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Background Globally, 180 million people suffer from diabetes mellitus. Islet transplantation is believed to be an almost ideal therapy for insulin-dependent patients. How to maintain the viability and the function of isolated human islets is a challenge in clinical practice. Sertoli cells are considered ‘nurse cells’in the seminiferous tubules and have been used in cell graft protocols for neurodegenerative diseases and diabetes in many studies. Many researchers have used immature murine testes as the primarily source of Sertoli cells in islet transplantation because they are easily purified. Mature human Sertoli cells have been seldom investigated. In the present study, we developed a method for the isolation and culture of Sertoli cells derived from adult human testes, and investigated their effects on the function of allogeneic islets when they were cultured together in vitro. Methods Adult Sertoli cells were prepared successfully by two-step enzyme digestion with trypsin, collagenase and hyaluronidase. They were identified by morphological characteristics and their activity was determined by MTT colorimetry over a 28-day culture time in vitro. A glucose-stimulated insulin secretion test was performed to detect the effects of Sertoli cells on allogeneic islets’ function when they were co-cultured for 21 days in vitro. Results In cultured cells, mature human Sertoli cells accounted for more than 90% of total cells. The activity of Sertoli cells reached 95% and they remained highly cytoactive for a long time in vitro (P>0.05). Compared with the islets cultured alone, the co-cultured islets with allogeneic Sertoli cells maintained higher sensitivity to glucose stimulation for the duration of the experiment (P<0.01). Conclusions A method of isolation and culture of Sertoli cells from adult testes has been established. Sertoli cells could enhance allogeneic islets’ function when they were co-cultured in vitro. They could be a helper cell in islet transplantation. Background Globally, 180 million people suffer from diabetes mellitus. Islet to be an almost ideal therapy for insulin-dependent patients. How to maintain the viability and the function of isolated human islets is a challenge in clinical practice. ’nurse cells’in the seminiferous tubules and have been used in cell graft protocols for neurodegenerative diseases and diabetes in many studies. Many researchers have used immature murine testes as the primarily source of Sertoli cells in is transplantation survival because they are more purified. Mature human In the present study, we developed a method for the isolation and culture of Sertoli cells derived from adult human testes, and investigated their effects on the function of allogeneic islets when they were cultured together in vitro. Methods Adult Sertoli cells were prepared successfully by two-step enzyme digestion with trypsin, colla They were identified by morphological characteristics and their activity was determined by MTT colorimetry over a 28-day culture time in vitro. A glucose-stimulated insulin secretion test was performed to detect the effects of Sertoli cells on allogeneic islets’ function when Results in cultured cells, mature human Sertoli cells accounted for more than 90% of total cells. The activity of Sertoli cells reached 95% and they remained highly cytoactive for a long time in vitro ( P> 0.05). Compared to the islets cultured alone, the co-cultured islets with allogeneic Sertoli cells maintained higher sensitivity to glucose stimulation for the duration of the experiment (P <0.01). Conclusions A method of isolation and culture of Sertoli cells from Adult testes has been established. Sertoli cells could enhance allogeneic islets’ function when they were co-cultured in vitro. They could be a helper cell in islet transplantati on.
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