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《四库全书总目》之编纂始于乾隆三十八年(1773),至乾隆四十七年正式进呈,后又屡经修订,直至乾隆六十年殿本刊行,才算是最后定稿。从最初的提要稿到最终的《总目》提要,其间历经反复修改和订补,形成了多种内容差异很大的文本,包括提要分纂稿、诸阁本书前提要以及《总目》的多个稿本等等。自上世纪80年代以来,不少学者对《总目》提要与若干分纂稿或书前提要之间的异同进行过研究,但多局限于文本内容的比较分析,而很少与四库学的相关问题联系起来加以考虑,因此往往只能看到各个文本之间的表面差异,而无法了解其背后复杂的衍变过程。 The compilation of Sikuquanshu Zongmu began in thirty-eight years of Qianlong (1773) and was formally presented to forty-seven years of Qianlong, and was repeatedly revised. It was not until the publication of the sixtieth year Emperor Qianlong’s publication that it was finalized. From the original executive summary to the final summary of the “head”, there have been many texts that varied greatly in content, including the compilation of synopses, the preconditions of the books of the Courts, Multiple scripts and more. Since the 1980s, quite a few scholars have studied the similarities and differences between the general headings and several submissions or preconditions, but they are mostly confined to the comparative analysis of textual contents, Of the related issues to be considered together, so often only see the differences between the various texts, but can not understand the complicated evolution behind the process.
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《全球化与发展杂志》( Journal of Globalization and Development, JGD )由伯克利电子出版社出版,发表关于全球化、发展以及二者之间独特的复杂作用的学术研究和政策分析性文章。刊物旨在促进理论进步和严格的实证研究之间的创造性对话,以推动发展分析的新领域。
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