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我国的北部和西部,分布着广阔的大草原,总面积约为我国国土的五分之二。这是我国的一项宝贵的资源,也是一个畜产品的“宝库”。它的面目我国草原的环境很复杂,草原的类型也多种多样,生产力有高有低,有不少大草原至今还没有被开发利用。我国草原的分布;由东向西大致可分为四个地区。一个是东北北部冷湿的草甸草原和东北三江(黑龙江、松花江、图门江)下游低湿的沼泽草甸,这里牧草十分肥美。其次是内蒙古干燥寒冷、丘陵起伏的高平原草原(见刊头插图)。它的东部是禾本科草原,牧草生长较茂盛。越往西,草原生产能力越差,逐渐转为荒漠牧场,牧草稀疏。内蒙古草原面积很大,历 In the northern and western parts of China, there are vast savannahs with a total area of ​​about two-fifths of our national territory. This is a precious resource for our country and a “treasure house” for livestock products. Its face The environment of China’s grassland is very complicated. The type of grassland is also diverse. The productivity is high and low. Many grasslands have not yet been developed and utilized. The distribution of grassland in China can be roughly divided into four regions from east to west. One is the wet and cold meadow grassland in the northeast and the low-humid swamp meadow in the northeast of Sanjiang (Heilongjiang, Songhua, Tumen), where the grass is very plump. Followed by the dry and cold, rolling hills of high plains in Inner Mongolia (see the headline illustration). It is grassland grassland in the east, and grasses grow more flourishingly. The more westward, the worse the grassland production capacity is, and it gradually turns into desert pasture with sparse pasture. Inner Mongolia grassland has a large area, calendar
我从1912年十二岁时,到上海中国图书公司印刷铸字部当童工进起,便开始了我的印刷生 When I was 12 years old in 1912, I went to the printing and writing department of
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