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今年是抗日战争爆发60周年,也是新四军成立60周年,又欣逢香港回归祖国。抗日战争期间,香港的抗日救亡团体、爱国进步人士和广大同胞,千方百计声援和支持战斗在大江南北的新四军,成为新四军坚持华中敌后抗战的有力后盾。叶挺项英陈毅等与香港有不解之缘说来也巧,新四军的领导人叶挺、项英和陈毅等同志,在新四军创建之初都与香港有密切联系,由此结下了新四军与香港的不解之缘。抗战爆发后,在粤赣边境的深山密林里,带领红军游击队坚持了3年艰苦卓绝游击战争的项英、陈毅等领导人,也隐隐感觉到国内形势将发生重大变化,他们急切盼望了解党中央的方针政策,苦于无法取得联系。正在这时,项英、陈毅通过同情者之手,买到了香港出版的一批进步书刊。其中有一本名为《新学识》的刊物,更使他们如获至宝。这本刊物上刊登了毛泽东同志1937年5月3日在延安召开的中国共产党全国代 This year marks the 60th anniversary of the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan and the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the New Fourth Army. It also welcomes the return of Hong Kong to the motherland. During the War of Resistance Against Japan, Hong Kong’s anti-Japanese national salvation community, patriotic progressive people and the vast majority of compatriots in every possible way demonstrated their solidarity with and support for the New Fourth Army that fought in the north and south of the Yangtze River as the new backing of the New Fourth Army in upholding the Central Plains Anti-Japanese War. Ye Ting, Xiang Ying, Chen Yi, etc., are inexplicably linked to Hong Kong. Comrades Ye Ting, Xiang Ying and Chen Yi, leaders of the New Fourth Army, are closely linked with Hong Kong when the New Fourth Army was first established. As a result, the New Fourth Army and Hong Kong’s Indissoluble bond. After the outbreak of the war of resistance against Japan, the leadership of the Red Army guerrillas in the arduous mountains in the border areas of Guangdong, Jiangxi and the Three Gorges insisted on the hard-fought guerrilla warfare of three years and leaders like Xiang Ying and Chen Yi also faintly felt that the domestic situation will undergo major changes. They are anxiously looking forward to understanding the party Central Committee The principle and policy, suffering from unable to get in touch. At this moment, Xiang Ying and Chen Yi bought a batch of progressive books published in Hong Kong through the hands of sympathizers. Among them, there is a magazine entitled “New Learning,” which will make them even more valuable. This publication is published in Comrade Mao Zedong on May 3, 1937 held in Yan’an, the Chinese Communist national
产业结构政策是产业政策的核心部分,但迄今对于如何制订产业结构政策还没有一个系统的理论。本文对制订产业结构政策的一般理论性问题进行了初步讨论。 Industrial structur
:2 0世纪的中国小说创作经历了百年发展过程。到 2 0 0 0年 ,中国小说创作达到了一个转折点 ,出现了三大终结和三个开端 :一是小说题材狭窄化的终结和小说题材繁富化的开端 ;
总结本人收治的 2 5例典型淋病患者 ,应用环丙沙星与利福平联合治疗 ,效果显著 ,报道如下。1 临床资料1.1 病例来源 :均为妇科门诊病人 ,年龄最大者 4 5岁 ,最小者 2 1岁。