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栏目导读经过广大参建人员的共同努力,云电送粤南通道工程的关键项目—500千伏德宏变电站1号主变于9月10日22:59顺利投产。该工程的顺利投产对提高德宏州地方电网安全可靠和经济运行水平具有十分重要的意义。投资约51.6亿元的南方电网公司“十一五”西电东送重点工程、南方电网建设的第5条云电东送大通道—云电送粤500千伏南通道工程的建成投运,将极大地提高云南电网主网的稳定水平,极大地改善了云南主网和南部电网结构,为促进西部水电开发创造有利条件。同时,500千伏南通道建设也是迄今为止云南电网建设历史上规模最为宏大的一个系统工程。工程建成后云电送粤负荷将由目前的330万千瓦增加到460万千瓦,为2010年790万千瓦送粤电力目标的实现奠定基础。自南通道工程开工以来,本栏目就一直与大家一道共同关注着这项工程的进展。在以往的报道中,我们也花了较大的篇幅来介绍这项牵动人心的工程。本期,我们继续为你撷取两篇与南通道建设相关的文章,分别从电监管理、工程施工建设两个不同的角度展现南通道建设业绩。 Column Guide After the joint efforts of the majority of staff involved in the construction, the key project of the Guangdong-South Passage Project, the key project of the Guangdong-South Passage Project, was successfully put into operation at No. 1 Main Unit of -500 kV Dehong Substation on September 10 at 22:59. The smooth putting into operation of this project is very important to improve the safety, reliability and economic operation level of local power grids in Dehong Prefecture. Investment of about 5.16 billion yuan of China Southern Power Grid Company “Eleventh Five-Year ” West to East to send key projects, the construction of China Southern Power Grid Article 5 East to East cloud transmission - cloud to Guangdong 500 kV South Passage Project completed It will greatly improve the stability of the main network of Yunnan power grid, greatly improve the structure of the main grid in Yunnan and the southern grid, and create favorable conditions for the development of hydropower in the western region. Meanwhile, the construction of the 500-kilovolt South Passage is also the most ambitious project in the history of Yunnan power grid construction to date. After the completion of the project, the load on the cloud will increase from the current 3.3 million kilowatts to 4.6 million kilowatts, laying the foundation for the achievement of the goal of delivering 7.9 million kilowatts of power to Guangdong in 2010. Since the start of the South Passage Project, this section has been working together with you to pay attention to the progress of this project. In the past reports, we also spent a lot of space to introduce this touching project. In this issue, we will continue to extract two articles related to the construction of the South Passage for you. We will show the performance of the South Passage from two different perspectives, namely, electric power supervision and construction.
(本刊讯记者赵威)2008年7月4日,北京方正国际召开了主题为“方正包装、隆重登场”的方正包装Pack#TM1.0产品中文版新闻发布会。 (Correspondent Zhao Wei correspondent) Ju
“地球村”时代,语言也全球化了。爱吃零食的你怎能不会看包装袋上的英文呢?小心哦,不要一不留神,营养没跟上,脂肪倒增加了不少哟。健康又美味,包装英语跟我学!   国外食品的包装上,都有非常完整的“营养明细”nutrition facts,现在,国内许多产品的包装上也开始印上英文了。让我们好好比较比较,看看食品包装上中英文名称的大不同吧。   我们在商店买到的饼干包装上,有完整的“产品成份”ingre
本文主要从制造商品牌经营策略、中间商品牌经营策略及无品牌经营策略三方面,对市场经济下企业如何在市场竞争中正确确定商业经营的品牌策略进行了初步探讨。 This article
隆冬时节,祖国北疆冰 封雪裹。参加沈阳军区政治 部宣传部和黑龙江省军区宣 传处联合组织的“保持党员先 进性 千里边关党旗红”摄影 采访活动的同志,从元旦开始 至春节之间,