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因为家境贫寒,现任香港特别行政区长官的曾荫权在年仅20岁时就辍学踏入了社会。一家知名医药企业刚刚贴出招聘科员的启事,就引来了数十名应聘者,曾荫权也在其中。面试时,数十名应聘者被一编了号,曾荫权因来得较晚而被编在了后面。面试开始不久, 几位先参加面试的应聘者阴沉着脸从招聘办公室走了出来,他们沮丧地说:“招聘条件很苛刻, 没有大学文凭和两年以上的从业经验者,一概不收!” Because of his poor family background, Donald Tsang, who is currently the chief executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, stepped down from school when he was only 20 years old. A well-known pharmaceutical company has just posted the clerk recruiting department, it attracted dozens of candidates, Donald Tsang is also among them. During the interview, dozens of candidates were numbered. Donald Tsang was put behind because of late arrivals. Shortly after the interview began, several candidates who had taken the interview first came out of the hiring office gloomy face. They were frustrated: “The hiring conditions are very harsh. Without a college degree or more than two years’ experience, they will not accept anything!”
目的探讨人乳头状瘤病毒(humanpa pillomavirus,HPV)16、18型在宫颈病变进展中表达意义。方法采用实时荧光定量聚合酶链反应(Real timefluorescence qaantitativePCR,PQ-PCR)
来自:浙江省武义一中超级履历:2005年夏天,这位15 岁的少年登上了海拔7509米高的“冰山之父”——慕士塔格峰,并成为 From: Wuyi, Zhejiang Province One super resume: In