Debris Flow in Metropolitan Area - 2011 Seoul Debris Flow

来源 :Journal of Mountain Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yy19871003
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A large number of debris flows occurred simultaneously at around 8:30 to 8:50 a.m.on July 27,2011,at the center of Seoul,Korea.This area is located in the southern part of Seoul and is a densely populated district.As a result of the debris flow event,16 people were killed,30 houses were buried,and 116 houses were damaged around Umyeon Mountain,a relatively small mountain with a height of 312.6 m.Since the debris flow event,field investigations on the initiation and transportation zones of debris flows have been carried out.Rainfall data were collected from the automatic weather stations(AWSs) which are operated by the Korea Meteorological Administration(KMA).Video files recorded by residents were also acquired and used to analyze the flow characteristics of the debris flow.Field investigation shows that about 40 debris flows occurred around Umyeon Mountain and most of the debris flows were initiated by small slope failures.The effects of the precipitation that triggered the debris flows were analyzed as well.A landslide hazard map which considers slope gradient and aspect,strength of soil,hazard record,rainfall conditions,and vegetation,was constructed and compared with the initiation zones of debris flows. A large number occurred in at around 8:30 to 8:50 amon July 27, 2011, at the center of Seoul, Korea. This area is located in the southern part of Seoul and is a densely populated district. a result of the debris flow event, 16 people were killed, 30 houses were buried, and 116 houses were damaged around Umyeon Mountain, a relatively small mountain with a height of 312.6 m. Since the debris flow event, field investigations on the initiation and transportation zones of debris flows have been carried out. Rainfall data were collected from the automatic weather stations (AWSs) which are operated by the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) .Video files recorded by residents were also acquired and used to analyze the flow characteristics of the debris flow .Field investigation shows that that forruptus occurred occurred in Umyeon Mountain and most of the sediment flows were triggered by small slope failures. the effects of the precipitation that triggered the debris flow s were analyzed as well. A landslide hazard map which considers slope gradient and aspect, strength of soil, hazard record, rainfall conditions, and vegetation, was constructed and compared with the initiation zones of debris flows.
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