
来源 :工程力学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pennyboys
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以润扬大桥悬索桥为考察对象,基于实测结果研究了铺装层温度变化对钢桥面板两类焊接细节疲劳效应的影响特征。由于润扬大桥悬索桥疲劳分析模型计算单元数多且耗时大,首先利用模型参数敏感度分析方法确定钢桥面板疲劳效应简化分析模型中的敏感参数,然后利用敏感系数矩阵迭代法计算各个敏感参数的最优取值。在此基础上建立了带铺装层钢桥面板的疲劳效应简化分析模型,并考察了不同温度作用下两类典型焊接细节的疲劳效应。分析结果表明:1)两类焊接细节的日等效应力幅与钢桥面板温度存在较强的线性相关性;2)钢桥面板疲劳效应的简化分析模型为顺桥向支承在横隔板上、横桥向支承在顶板纵肋上的局部受力结构体系;3)带铺装层钢桥面板的疲劳分析方法能够准确计算车辆荷载和温度共同作用下焊接细节的疲劳效应。 Taking Runyang Bridge Suspension Bridge as an example, the influence of temperature changes of pavement on the fatigue effects of two kinds of welding details of steel bridge deck was studied based on the measured results. Since the fatigue analysis model of Runyang Bridge suspension bridge is large in number and time-consuming, the sensitive parameters in the simplified analysis model of the fatigue effect of steel bridge deck are first determined by the model parameter sensitivity analysis. Then the sensitive parameters matrix iteration method is used to calculate the sensitivity of each parameter The best value. On this basis, a simplified fatigue model analysis model with steel pavement with pavement was established. The fatigue effects of two typical welding details under different temperatures were investigated. The results show that: 1) there is a strong linear correlation between the daily equivalent stress amplitude of the two types of welding details and the steel deck temperature; 2) the simplified analysis model of the fatigue effect of the steel deck is that And the local stress structure supported by the transverse bridge to the longitudinal rib of the roof; 3) The fatigue analysis method of the bridge deck with paved steel can accurately calculate the fatigue effect of welding details under the joint action of vehicle load and temperature.
黄波萝是远东天然林中仅有的一种栓皮树,纹理美丽,木材珍贵。远东南部的皆伐迹地常见有天然更新的黄波萝树团。沿海边区三个林场的榛子、槭-榛 Huang Bo Luo is the only n
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为了替代在作物播种前就决定施氮量的传统技术 ,提出了一种基于作物生长过程中根据作物及土壤状况来决定施肥量的氮肥管理系统。在作物刚发芽时 ,系统只供给少量的氮肥 ;在作
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