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70年代以来,受亚洲“四小龙”经济增长奇迹的启发和影响,广大发展中国家普遍采取了对外经济开放的发展战略,以期实现国民经济的高速增长,缩小与发达国家的差距。发展中国家对外经济开放适应了世界经济一体化的发展潮流,对发展中国家的经济增长的作用巨大而显著。但是,在促进经济增长的同时,对外开放如同一把双刃剑,其危险性和负作用时有发生。1982年发展中国家债务危机,1994年墨西哥金融危机,1997年以来的东南亚、东亚金融、经济危机已充分证明了这一点。我国的对外经济开放,取得了举世瞩目的成就,经济高速增长,技术水平不断进步,产业结构日益合理化,人民生活水平普遍提高。但是,我们必须清楚地认识到,随着对外经济开放的不断深入,国内外市场的沟通日益紧密,资本输入、国际贸易、汇率及其他国际经济关系对我国经济的影响也将逐步增强。为使对外经济开放政策最大限度地,发挥促进经济增长的积极作用,抑制其消极影响,避免金融、经济危机的产生,必须注意以下一些问题。 Since the 1970s, inspired and influenced by the miracle of economic growth in the “four dragons” of Asia, most developing countries have generally adopted the development strategy of opening up to foreign countries in order to achieve the rapid growth of the national economy and narrow the gap with developed countries. The opening up of foreign economies to developing countries has adapted to the trend of world economic integration and has made a significant and significant contribution to the economic growth of developing countries. However, while promoting economic growth, opening up to the outside world as a double-edged sword has its dangers and negative effects occasionally. The debt crisis in developing countries in 1982, the financial crisis in Mexico in 1994 and the financial and economic crisis in Southeast Asia and East Asia since 1997 have fully proved this point. China’s opening up to foreign economy has made remarkable achievements in the world. With its rapid economic growth, its technological level has been continuously improved, the industrial structure has been increasingly rationalized, and people’s living standards have generally risen. However, we must clearly recognize that with the deepening of the opening-up of foreign economy and the increasingly close communication in domestic and foreign markets, the impact of capital input, international trade, exchange rates and other international economic relations on our economy will also gradually increase. In order to maximize the opening up policy of foreign economy, play a positive role in promoting economic growth, suppress its negative impact and avoid the financial and economic crisis, we must pay attention to the following issues.
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