Analysis of Wheat GBSS1 Promoter:Tissue Specificity and DNA Methylation

来源 :Agricultural Biotechnology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:csmeteor135
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The cis-regulatory elements of promoters regulate temporal and spatial expression of genes.DNA methylation,histone methylation and histone acetylation are the main types of epigenetic modifications,which play important roles in plant growth and development.DNA methylation could scilence transposons,affect gene imprinting and gene expression.In this study,we found that granule bound starch synthase 1(GBSS1) gene is expressed specifically in wheat endosperm rather than in the embryo.We also analyzed the cis-elements within this promoter region and found some seed-specific elements.In order to confirm the tissue specificity,we cloned 4k bp sequences upstream of GBSSl gene to link to vector with GUS and this construct was transferred to tobacco by Agrobacterium mediated transformation.The results showed that wheat GBSS1 promoter mediated the seed-specific expression of GUS gene,but not mediated expression in embryo.In addition,we found that GBSS1 promoter is methylated in wheat embryo and de-methylated in wheat endosperm.Our study might provide the molecular basis for specific expression of GBSS1 gene. The cis-regulatory elements of promoters regulate temporal and spatial expression of genes. DNA methylation, histone methylation and histone acetylation are the major types of epigenetic modifications, which play important roles in plant growth and development. DNA methylation could scilence transposons, affect gene imprinting and gene expression.In this study, we found that granule bound starch synthase 1 (GBSS1) gene is expressed specifically in wheat endosperm rather than in the embryo. We also analyze the cis-elements within this promoter region and found some seed-specific elements . In order to confirm the tissue specificity, we cloned 4k bp sequences upstream of GBSS1 gene to link to vector with GUS and this construct was transferred to tobacco by Agrobacterium mediated transformation. The results showed that wheat GBSS1 promoter mediated the seed-specific expression of GUS gene, but not mediated expression in embryo. Addition, we found that GBSS1 promoter is methylated in wheat embryo and de-methylated in wheat endosperm. Our study might provide the molecular basis for specific expression of GBSS1 gene.
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金秋十月,我们迎来了中华人民共和国70周年华诞。同时,也是《照相机》杂志创刊40周年的生日。  1979年10月,《照相机械》杂志在杭州照相机械研究所正式创刊,80年代末更名为《照相机》杂志。  四十年栉风沐雨,四十年征途漫漫。《照相机》杂志诞生于改革开放伊始,见证了中国的崛起与腾飞,也见证了中国相机行业的兴衰起落。  从海鸥、凤凰的双鸟齐鸣,到双双陨落,国产相机从此黯然退场;从MF机械相机到AF