Effect of Spray Parameters on the Splashing of Plasma-sprayed Cast Iron Particles

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qiuyuwusheng
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To understand the effects of spray parameters on the splashing,cast iron particles were plasma-sprayed onto polished surfaces of aluminum substrate to form single splats.Various plasma arc powers and spray distances were applied to adjust the morphology of the splats which was studied using a field emission scanning electron microscope(FESEM).The experimentalresults showed that the splashing of impinging droplets was significantly restrained for the splats deposited with high arc power(30 k W)and short spray distance(80 mm).This finding would be beneficialto improving the adhesive strength of the coating. To understand the effects of spray parameters on the splashing, cast iron particles were plasma-sprayed onto polished surfaces of aluminum substrate to form single splats. Verious plasma arc powers and spray holidays were applied to adjust the morphology of the splats which was studied using a The experimental results showed that the splashing of impinging droplets was significantly restrained for the splats deposited with high arc power (30 k W) and short spray distance (80 mm). This finding would be beneficial to improve the adhesive strength of the coating.
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