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患者男性,32岁,因左附睾无痛性肿物2年于1988年11月25日入院。查左附睾尾部有一约1.5×1.0×1.0cm椭圆形肿物,表面光滑,质地硬,与皮肤无粘连,无压痛。左侧睾丸、输精管无异常。血沉1mm/小时,肾图及IVP正常,诊断为左附睾结核。于12月5日在局麻下行左侧附睾切除术。术后标本剖面外层为纤维状,核心为乳白色组织。病理报告:附睾腺瘤样瘤(adenomatoid tumor)。讨论:原发性附睾肿瘤中以腺瘤样瘤最多见。国外统计附睾腺瘤样瘤占附睾良性肿瘤半数以上。国内统计文献报告的87例附睾良性肿瘤中腺瘤样瘤占44例,超过良性肿瘤 The patient, male, 32 years old, had painless mass in the left epididymis for 2 years and was admitted on November 25, 1988. Check the left a left epididymis about 1.5 × 1.0 × 1.0cm oval tumor, the surface is smooth, hard texture, no adhesion with the skin, no tenderness. Left testis, no abnormal vas deferens. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 1mm / hour, kidney map and IVP normal, diagnosed as left epididymis tuberculosis. On December 5 at the local anesthesia left epididymal resection. Outer section of the specimen after the specimen is fibrous, the core is milky white tissue. Pathology report: Dysplasia adenomatoid tumor. Discussion: The most common adenomatoid tumor in primary epididymal tumors. Foreign statistics epididymal adenoma-like tumors accounted for more than half of epididymal tumors. 87 cases of benign epididymis in the national statistical literature reported adenoma-like tumors accounted for 44 cases, more than benign tumors
良性囊性分化性肾母细胞瘤是十分罕见的肿瘤,常发生在婴幼儿,占儿童原发性肾肿瘤的2.4%。国内尚未见有报道,我们遇到两例,现报告如下。 Benign cystic differential nephro
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常题多想,饶有新招,趣题多想,更是技巧无,今举几例以作参考。 1.若tga=2ab/a~2-b~2(a>b>0,00,0
肾性骨营养障碍(Renal Osteodystrophy)是慢性肾助能衰竭患者发生的一系列骨骼病变的总称,属于肾功能衰竭的一种并发症。主要包括肾性纤维性骨炎、肾性佝偻病或软骨病、肾性