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2007年2月6~9日斯洛伐克总理罗伯特·菲乔访华,期间他亲自主持了斯-中商务论坛开幕仪式,随后在当晚的斯洛伐克大使官邸举办的招待会上接见了中兴公司等斯-中企业的高管层并与这些公司的高层领导会谈了45分钟。通过采访该国驻华经济商务参赞拉斯基斯拉夫·舒拉,我们了解到,1993年1月1日斯洛伐克从原捷克斯洛伐克独立出来时,几乎所有的国家财产都分给了捷克,国家急需发展资金,鼓励外资成为斯洛伐克的国策。斯洛伐克尽管是一个欧洲小国,国土面积只有49035平方公里,人口540万,但由于拥有高质量的劳动力资源,继承了原捷克斯洛伐克在冶金、制造、化工等传统行业的优势,再加上优惠的鼓励外资政策和面向整个欧洲的优势,斯洛伐克日渐成为汽车、军工、电子、玻璃制品等行业的制造中心。汽车行业如德国的大众、法国的标志、韩国的起亚,俄罗斯的军品,奥地利的民用玻璃制品等,其生产中心都在斯洛伐克。当“走出去”成为中国的发展战略的今天,斯洛伐克值得关注 Slovakia's Prime Minister Robert Figo visited China from February 6 to February 6, 2007, during which he personally presided over the opening ceremony of the Sri Lanka-China Business Forum. Later in the reception hosted by the Ambassador of Slovakia at the night, he met with ZTE Corporation The senior management of the company held 45 minutes of meetings with senior executives of these companies. Through an interview with Raschishshulla, the country's economic and commercial counselor, we learned that when Slovakia became independent from the former Czechoslovakia on January 1, 1993, almost all state property was allocated to the Czech Republic, and the state urgently needed development Funds and encourage foreign investment to become Slovakia's national policy. Although Slovakia is a small European country with a land area of ​​only 49035 square kilometers and a population of 5.4 million, its high quality of labor resources inherits the advantages of former Czechoslovakia in the traditional industries such as metallurgy, manufacturing and chemical industries, plus favorable incentives Foreign investment policy and the advantages facing Europe as a whole, Slovakia has gradually become the manufacturing center of the automobile, military industry, electronics and glass products industries. Automotive industry such as Germany Volkswagen, the French flag, South Korea's Kia, Russia's military products, Austria's civil glass products, and its production centers are in Slovakia. Today, “going out” has become China's development strategy, Slovakia deserves our attention
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