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“好脱儒冠从校尉,一支长戟六钧弓。”眼前的张福基政委,一身冬季作训服,典型的儒将风范,独到的见解与渊博的学识,言语间透着战役指挥员的机敏和沉稳。作为一支红色资源厚重的英雄部队的政委,他说,传承我军光荣传统是部队发展的最佳精神营养。解放军生活:四十七集团军历史厚重、功勋卓著、英模众多,是一支有着“猛进”精神的部队。在新的历史条件下,请问你们是如何传承红色基因,引领官兵聚焦强军目标、投身强军实践?张福基:传统资源是一笔宝贵的精神财富。新时期,我们以大力发展“猛进”文化为抓手,引导官兵在献身强军实践中传承红色基因,当好“猛进”传人。一是组织“猛进”精神学习教育。编印《集团军简史》和《猛进雄师》读本,组织官兵 “Good off Confucianism from the captain, a halberd Liu Jun bow. ” Zhang Fuji political commissar in front, a winter training suit, the typical Confucianism will be demeanor, unique insights and profound knowledge, the words permeate the battle command Staff alert and calm. As a political commissar of a red resource-rich heroic unit, he said that inheriting the glorious tradition of our army is the best spiritual nutrition for the development of the armed forces. People’s Liberation Army Life: The 47th Army has a heavy history, outstanding contributions and numerous models. It is a unit that has a spirit of “leapfrogging.” Under the new historical conditions, how do you pass on the red genes, lead the officers and men to focus on their military targets and join the ranks of the military? Zhang Fuji: Traditional resources are a precious spiritual asset. In the new period, with the vigorous development of the culture of “leapfrogging”, we should guide the officers and men to inherit the red gene in the course of devoting themselves to strengthening the armed forces and act as a good translator. First, the organization “Mengjin ” spirit of learning and education. Printed “Group Army Brief History” and “aggressive genius” Reader, the organization of officers and soldiers
My younger brother was very selfish when he was a little boy. He did not want to share things with other people. For example, when he bought a chocolate cake, h
匡钊先生在《听到的是音乐 ,写下的是音符》一文中 (《读书》 ,二○○三年四期 ) ,对西方严肃音乐中“音乐形而上学”的考察 ,发人深思。但是匡钊先生在提及小提琴家耶胡迪·
我在某个清晨有了翅膀,我也渐渐习惯了飞行,但有时真是怀念拥有手的日子。  我飞上天空寻找上帝,他似乎在有意躲避我,为什么呢?我百思不得其解。  “终于找到你了!你干嘛躲着我?”我无意中看见了上帝,飞过去向他唠叨。  “你是不是想回到有手的日子?”上帝反问我。  “你怎么知道?”他的反问让我摸不着头脑。  “因为我是上帝啊!我还知道你想问人类怎么会突然之间有了翅膀,对不对?”  “既然你都知道,就别
亲爱的素素:  今天的天气真好,是北方夏天少见的天气,风静而无云。我买了很多的花,有我喜欢的百合和你喜欢的勿忘我,好大的一束,用透明的玻璃纸包好要送给你。你一定喜欢。我知道,你一定会撅起小嘴说,我可不稀罕。你最擅长和我斗嘴。  十二年了,我们一点点改变一点点长大,唯一没有变的就是你我的脾气,你像勿忘我一样倔强,我像百合一样柔弱。素素,你还记不记得很多年前的那个夏天,院子里的小孩叫我“臭美花”,追着
I have a little brother. He is very bright and intelligent. The favorite thing he does is to play toy bricks . He has several bags of toy bricks1. Every day the