本刊开展“上海电脑业如何腾飞”大讨论 请您为上海计算机业的腾飞出谋划策

来源 :上海微型计算机 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xienengxian0615
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本刊今年第3期上的署名文章《市场,向上海亮出了“黄牌”》发表后。在读者中引起了比较大的反响。连日来,不断有读者给编辑部来电来信,纷纷对上海的计算机产业滞后的现象发表各自的看法,并希望本刊能就此问题展开讨论,以推进上海和全国计算机产业的发展。广大读者的心声,同样也表达了我们的心愿。作为上海最大的计算机专业媒体,我们有责任、也有义务为上海的计算机发展摇旗呐喊、出谋划策。更有义务和责任为振兴上海的信息产业贡献我们的智慧和力量。我们深感责任重大,深感肩上担子的份量。国家重点扶持的五家重要电脑企业没有上海的份额;年销售PC 机在全国排名较后。尽管上海电脑业年年有进步,但与国内先进电脑业的差距仍在扩大。形势逼人,时不我待!上海计算机产业滞后的局面再也不能继续下去了。上海是全国的上海,上海更是中国走向世界的先锋。为了无愧于上海“一个龙头,三个中心”的地位。为了重振上海计算机业的雄风,我们决定就此问题展开讨论。我们真诚地希望广大读者都来为上海电脑业的腾飞出谋划策。我们期待着读者的来信来稿。 The article on the third issue of this year’s signature article “market, showing up to Shanghai” yellow card “” after the publication. In the audience caused a relatively large response. In the past few days, readers have sent letters to the editorial office to express their views on the lag of the computer industry in Shanghai. We hope that this issue can be discussed on this issue to promote the development of the computer industry in Shanghai and the whole country. The majority of readers aspirations, also expressed our aspirations. As Shanghai’s largest computer professional media, we have the responsibility and obligation to shake the flag for the development of the computer in Shanghai, give advice and suggestions. More obligation and responsibility to contribute to the revitalization of Shanghai’s information industry, our wisdom and strength. We are deeply responsible and deeply aware of the burden on our shoulders. The five key national computer companies supported by the state do not have Shanghai’s share; the annual sales of PC machines are in the national rankings later. Despite the progress made by the computer industry in Shanghai every year, the gap with the advanced domestic computer industry is still widening. The situation is pressing, not waiting! Shanghai lags behind the computer industry can no longer continue. Shanghai is the country’s Shanghai, Shanghai is the vanguard of China to the world. To be worthy of Shanghai “a leader, three centers ” position. In order to revive the glories of Shanghai’s computer industry, we decided to discuss this issue. We sincerely hope that readers will come to Shanghai for the take-off and take-off of the computer industry. We are looking forward to your letter from the reader.
目的 为观察t-PA(组织型纤溶酶原激活剂 )在相同浓度下 ,结膜下注射与前房内注射对眼内纤维蛋白渗出的治疗效果。方法 t-PA治疗浓度为 5 0 μg/ml,每次注射量两种方法均为
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当你下一次要跳槽时,除了问自己『我的薪水是否多了个0』之外,更别忘了自己在其他方面是否会少了一个0! When you next want to quit, in addition to asking myself, “My