弃马抢攻 盘河取势

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如图,是一九八六年“青春宝杯”大师邀请赛中,安徽蒋志梁对上海徐天利的实战场面。红方借先行之利,弃马抢攻,演出了一场漂亮的攻坚战,终于高奏凯歌,请同好共同欣赏红方的精采表演。 As shown in the picture, this is the actual battle scene of Xu Tianli from Anhui Jiang Zhiliang in the “Young Master Cup” Invitational in 1986. The Red Party took the lead, abandoned the horse and attacked and staged a beautiful storming battle and finally played the triumphant song. Please join hands to enjoy the brilliant performance of the Red Square.
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球,从迭戈·马拉多纳脚下飞起,越过四名防守队员的头顶,不可思议的直射对方球门,被惊醒的守门员不顾一切的猛扑过去,但它却神奇地直落网底——得分! 布宜诺斯艾利斯人在几千
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本文介绍广和大桥宽幅铰结预应力空心板的施工工艺、施工经验及经济效益。 This article introduces the construction technology, construction experience and economic