Stories about Animals

来源 :今日中学生(初二版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yin_guohan163
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  long,long ago,as the birds flew over the world,they saw that men had a beautiful thing. It was a bright and burning thing. Men cooked their food and kept themselves warm with it. The birds thought life would be better if they could have this thing,too. So they decided to send a messenger(信使)to humans to ask for little piece of it. They thought Chicken was a good one to spend because he was a good talker. So Chicken went.
  He flew far over the forest until he came to the towns of men. He went into a town and saw the burning thing. He learned that it was called “Fire”. He did not ask for a piece of it to take back to the birds because there was so much food lying around men?蒺s houses that he started eating and forgot what he had come for.
  Men liked Chicken because he crowed(啼叫) very early in the morning and woke them up. They let him run in and out of their houses. They threw him food. So Chicken stayed with humans. He never went back to the birds. He even forgot how to fly.
  The very day that Odd Duck hatched (孵化)out of his egg,he found out that no one liked him.“He is too big and too different from the rest of us,”the other ducks said.
  “He could be a chick. Chicks don?蒺t like the water. Put him in the pond to see if he likes it,” said one of the ducks. Odd Duck?蒺s mother let him and her other children to the bank of the pond. One after another the little ducks jumped into the water. Last of all came Odd Duck. He jumped into too,and swam just as fast as the others. “Odd Duck swam very well,” said his mother,“He can?蒺t be a chick. ”
美国《生活》杂志的摄影记者杰克·伯恩斯曾给齐白石先生拍过一幅照片。照片是黑白照,色调虽然单纯,但光与影、明与暗的对比却很强烈。画面上,白石老人长髯垂胸,戴一副圆圆的黑边眼镜,宽袖长袍。他悠然自得地坐在藤椅上,身边是一位八九岁男孩儿,与他悄悄说着话。身后的墙上,挂着白石老人自己的画作,虾、蟹与荷叶在纸上栩栩如生,自由自在。  有一句话,附在照片之下,应该是某位杂志编辑的感慨,表达的意思有点怅然,他这
近期,上海市市场监督管理局对上海市销售的铝及铝合金不粘锅产品质量进行了监督抽查,共抽查15批次产品,经检验全部合格.rn本次监督抽查依据《食品安全国家标准 铝及铝合金不
清洗蔬果是一个必不可少的步骤,很大程度上能减少“病从口入”的风险。有人担心蔬果有农药残留,想尽各种办法来去除农药。关于蔬果清洗的真相你都了解吗?\\\清洗的作用  首先,清洗蔬果是为了清除它们表面的灰尘、泥土等杂物,比如新鲜的土豆表面肯定会带有一些泥土,这显然需要清洗。  其次,由于我国允许使用的农药大部分是水溶性的,所以用水清洗就能除去蔬果表面大部分的农药残留,不需要太过担心。  最后,一些残留
《出师表》是初中语文教材中的一篇文言文,它的作者是三国时期大名鼎鼎的军师诸葛亮。他在《出师表》里说:“先帝不以臣卑鄙,猥自枉屈,三顾臣于草庐之中。”乍一看,不明所以的人们还以为他在责骂自己呢。其实,诸葛亮并不“卑鄙”,因为,此“卑鄙”非彼“卑鄙”。  现代汉语将“卑鄙”释为“卑劣龌龊”之意,指的是道德品行恶劣,而在《出师表》中,“卑鄙”则是“低微鄙俗”之意,指的是身份地位低下。诸葛亮在此说自己地位
【 名 师 在 线 】  丫头:说起写作文的材料,我的头都大了。不怕您笑话,有时写作文,冥思苦想一节课,可我的脑袋里依然空荡荡的。有时又觉得什么内容都可以写,却不知从何下笔。  罗老师:丫头你也说得太夸张了吧?  丫头:嘿嘿,我讲的都是真话。写老师吧,我只能想起深夜窗前的灯光,放学后循循善诱的促膝深谈;写同学吧,无非是一件小小的珍贵礼物,一次难以说清的美丽误会。每次遇上评作文,老师那眼神啊,真是吓