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课堂提问是英语教学中不可或缺的环节,也是学生获取信息的重要渠道,它贯穿课堂教学的始终,是语言教学最重要的载体之一。良好的提问不仅能激发学生的求知欲,促进其思考,有效培养学生的思维能力,还能活跃课堂氛围。因此,教师要精心设计问题,围绕教材,反复钻研,借助提问让英语课堂充满活力。一、把握时机,恰当提问提问是课堂教学的重要环节,有效的提问对学生听说能力、思维能力的培养有很大的作用。 Classroom questioning is an indispensable link in English teaching and is also an important channel for students to obtain information. It runs through classroom teaching and is one of the most important carriers of language teaching. Good questioning can not only stimulate students ’thirst for knowledge, promote their thinking, effectively cultivate students’ thinking ability, but also activate the classroom atmosphere. Therefore, teachers should carefully design the problem, focus on the teaching materials, study repeatedly, and ask questions to make the English classroom full of vitality. First, seize the opportunity, the proper questioning Question is an important part of classroom teaching, effective questioning of students listening and speaking ability, thinking ability training has a significant role.
工厂、料库在吊装圆钢、棒料时,多用钢丝绳拴绑,由于钢丝绳或是涂满黄油,或是断丝起刺,给操作者带来麻烦及伤害。  作者设计的圆钢吊具,较好地解决了上述问题,见图1及图2所示。 
超重乃至肥胖对幼儿健康成长的危害已众所周知,而运动能帮助幼儿消耗体内多余能量,促进基础代谢,控制体内脂肪增长,增强体质,从而提高健康水平。因此,运动干预是帮助超重儿恢复正常体重的重要方式。我园将超重、肥胖幼儿组织起来,成立了“小胖墩俱乐部”,根据其身心发展特点制定了一系列运动干预策略。    一、开展趣味化、情景化的运动游戏,激发幼儿对运动的兴趣    激发和保持幼儿对运动的兴趣是保证运动干预效果
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