
来源 :第二军医大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:windcode2009
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目的:研究灰树花子实体粉(Grifola frondosa)、姬松茸子实体粉(Agaricus blazei)、猴头子实体粉(Hericiumerinaceus)和毛头鬼伞子实体粉(Coprinus comatus)等4种食药用菌对正常小鼠及糖尿病小鼠血糖调节的影响。方法:正常血糖动物模型:筛选空腹血糖在3-5 mmol·L-1之间的小鼠,随机分成对照组:10只,同体积注射用水灌冒;4个样品组:各10只,分别用上述4个食药用菌灌胃。高血糖动物模型组:在禁食24 h后给予尾静脉注射四氧嘧啶70 mg·kg-1,72 h后禁食,尾静脉取血测血糖值,并选用血糖值在10 mmol·L-1以上者再按血糖水平随机分成1个对照组(10只,以同体积注射用水灌胃)和4个样品组(各10只,分别以上述4个食药用菌灌胃),每天灌胃1次,连续灌胃给药28 d后,禁食,次日晨进行空腹血糖和糖耐量测定。结果:对正常血糖动物模型实验显示,除了猴头子实体粉和毛头鬼伞子实体粉样品组动物2 h时相的血糖显著降低(P<0.05)以及毛头鬼伞子实体粉样品组动物2.0 h-0.5 h时相血糖差值也降低(P<0.05)外,其他均无显著性差异;对高血糖动物模型实验显示,灰树花子实体粉和毛头鬼伞子实体粉样品组动物在2 h时相的血糖值低于高血糖模型对照组(P<0.05,P<0.01),此外,猴头子实体粉和毛头鬼伞子实体粉样品组动物2.0 h-0.5 h时相的血糖差值也低于? Objective: To study the effects of Grifola frondosa, Agaricus blazei, Hericiumerinaceus and Coprinus comatus The Influence of Blood Glucose Regulation in Normal Mice and Diabetic Mice. Methods: Normal blood glucose animal model: The mice with fasting blood glucose between 3-5 mmol·L-1 were screened and randomly divided into control group (n = 10), water injection with the same volume of water, and four sample groups With the above four edible medicinal gavage. Animals in hyperglycemia group were fasted for 24 h and fasted with alloxan 70 mg · kg-1 and 72 h after the fasting. The blood samples were taken from the tail vein to measure the blood glucose level. Blood glucose was measured at 10 mmol·L- 1 and then by blood glucose levels were randomly divided into a control group (10, with the same volume of water for injection) and 4 samples (10 each, respectively, the above four edible medicinal fungi), irrigation Stomach 1 times, after continuous oral administration of 28 d, fasting, fasting blood glucose and glucose tolerance test the next morning. Results: The animal models of normal blood glucose showed that the blood glucose of the experimental group was lower than that of the experimental group (P <0.05) and that of the experimental group 2.0h-0.5h phase difference between the blood glucose is also lower (P <0.05), the other no significant difference; hyperglycemia animal model experiments showed that Grifola frondosa fruiting bodies and Coprinus comatus solid powder sample group animals The blood glucose level at 2 h was lower than that in the hyperglycemic model control group (P <0.05, P <0.01). In addition, Blood sugar difference is lower than?