Performance of a New Ion Source for KSTAR Tokamak Plasma Heating

来源 :Plasma Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fangli95680
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In the experimental campaign of 2010 and 2011 on KSTAR,the NBI-1 system was equipped with one prototype ion source and operated successfully,providing a neutral beam power of 0.7-1.6 MW to the tokamak plasma.The new ion source planned for the 2012 KSTAR campaign had a much more advanced performance compared with the previous one.The target performance of the new ion source was to provide a neutral deuterium beam of 2 MW to the tokamak plasma.The ion source was newly designed,fabricated,and assembled in 2011.The new ion source was then conditioned up to 64 A/100 keV over a 2-hour beam extraction and performance tested at the NB test stand(NBTS)at the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute(KAERI)in 2012.The measured optimum perveance at which the beam divergence is a minimum was about 2.5μP,and the minimum beam divergent angle was under 1.0oat 60 keV.These results indicate that the2.0 MW neutral beam power at 100 keV required for the heating of plasma in KSTAR can be delivered by the installation of the new ion source in the KSTAR NBI-1 system. In the experimental campaign of 2010 and 2011 on KSTAR, the NBI-1 system was equipped with one prototype ion source and operated successfully, providing a neutral beam power of 0.7-1.6 MW to the tokamak plasma. New source planned for the 2012 KSTAR campaign had a much more advanced performance than with the previous one. The target performance of the new ion source was to provide a neutral deuterium beam of 2 MW to the tokamak plasma. Ion source was newly designed, fabricated, and assembled in 2011 The new ion source was then conditioned up to 64 A / 100 keV over a 2-hour beam extraction and performance tested at the NB test stand (NBTS) at the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) in 2012. The measured optimum perveance at which the beam divergence is a minimum was about 2.5μP, and the minimum beam divergent angle was under 1.0oat 60 keV. The result results that that 2.0 MW neutral beam power at 100 keV required for the heating of plasma in KSTAR can be delivered by the in stallation of the new ion source in the KSTAR NBI-1 system.
摘 要:本研究采用《大学生网络交往动机问卷》,从工具性交往动机(获取信息、辅助学业)、社会性交往动机(便利生活、证确自我、表达情感)这两大方面探讨当代大学生网络交往动机的现状。并得出以下结论:①在性别变量上,在获取信息和证确自我上男女生存在显著差异;②在年级变量上,工具性交往动机上存在显著的差异;③在专业变量上,表达情感上存在显著差异。  关键词:网络交往;网络交往动机;大学生  中图分类号:G6
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