Tribological and anti-corrosion performance of epoxy resin composite coatings reinforced with differ

来源 :摩擦(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ghw0531
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A series of high solid content (30 wt%) epoxy resin (EP) composite coatings reinforced with differently sized cubic boron nitride (CBN) particles were fabricated successfully on 304L stainless steel. Polydopamine (PDA) was used to improve the dispersibility of CBN particles in EP. The structural and morphological features of the CBN particles and the composite coatings were characterized by Raman spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Moreover, a UMT-3 tribometer and surface profiler were used to investigate the tribological behaviors of the as-prepared composite coatings. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and Tafel analysis were used to investigate the coatings' anti-corrosion performance. The results demonstrated that the CBN fillers could effectively enhance the tribological and anti-corrosion properties of the EP composite coatings. In addition, when the additive proportion of the microsized (5 μm) and nanosized (550 nm) CBN particles was 1:1, the tribological property of the EP composite coatings was optimal for dry sliding, which was attributed to the load carrying capability of the microsized CBN particles and the toughening effect of the nanosized CBN particles. However, when the additive proportion of the microsized and nanosized CBN particles was 2:1, the tribology and corrosion resistance performance were optimal in seawater conditions. We ascribed this to the load-carrying capacity of the microparticles, which played a more important role under the seawater lubrication condition, and the more compact structure, which improved the electrolyte barrier ability for the composite coatings.
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