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三中全会《决定》要求全面落实中央纪委向中央一级党和国家机关派驻纪检机构,实行统一名称、统一管理。派驻机构对派出机关负责,履行监督职责。这是中央对派驻机构做出的重大改革。党风廉政建设和反腐败工作不能有真空地带。中央和国家机关部门地位重要、权力集中,更需要强化全面监督。派驻工作只能加强,不能削弱。要牢固树立进取意识、机遇意识、责任意识,以改革精神抓好《决定》的贯彻落实。要加强统筹协调,规范机构设置,强化对驻在部门领导班子的监督。——2013年11月27日,在部分中央和国家机关纪检组组长座谈会上的讲话 The “Pledge” of the Third Plenary Session of the Third Plenary Session of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China calls for the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection to fully implement the discipline inspection and discipline inspection organs dispatched to the Party-level organs at the central level and the state organs by a unified name and unified management. The stationing agency is responsible to the sending agency and performs its supervisory duties. This is a major reform made by the Central Government to the agencies stationed. There should be no vacuum in the work of building a clean government and fighting corruption. The central and state organs and departments have important positions and concentrated powers. They also need to strengthen overall supervision. The stationing work can only be strengthened and can not be weakened. We must firmly establish the awareness of enterprising, the awareness of opportunities and the sense of responsibility and do a good job of implementing the “Decision” in the spirit of reform. We must step up co-ordination and coordination, standardize institutional arrangements and strengthen the supervision over the leading groups in the departments in charge. - On November 27, 2013, at the symposium of the leaders of the discipline inspection teams of some central and state organs
航空生产急需的铝合金预拉伸板标准,于1983年5月12日在北京进行了讨论,通过讨论协调了部内各单位的技术要求。特别是对 LY12合金,经各厂、所复验后,对其数据进行了数理分析,
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