
来源 :临床耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Evilkonata
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目的:分析慢性鼻-鼻窦炎患者的鼻部解剖变异及细菌感染情况,探讨鼻部解剖变异对上颌窦取样细菌感染的影响。方法:通过对115侧慢性鼻-鼻窦炎患者术前行CT扫描,将之分成高解剖变异组(62侧)与低解剖变异组(53侧)。在鼻内镜手术过程中,通过无菌方式取各组上颌窦脓性分泌物行细菌培养,比较2组间细菌感染率及细菌构成。结果:高、低解剖变异组细菌阳性率分别为90.32%和56.60%(P<0.01)。在细菌构成上,高解剖变异组中G+球菌和G-杆菌构成比分别为47.76%和52.24%。与此相对应,低解剖变异组相关数据分别为62.16%和37.84%。结论:鼻部解剖变异能增加鼻窦细菌感染的概率,高解剖变异以G-杆菌感染为主,低解剖变异以G+球菌感染为主。 Objective: To analyze the nasal anatomic variation and bacterial infection in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis and investigate the influence of nasal anatomic variation on bacterial infection in maxillary sinus sampling. Methods: CT scan of 115 patients with chronic rhinosinusitis was divided into high anatomical group (62 sides) and low anatomical group (53 sides). During nasal endoscopic surgery, bacterial cultures of purulent secretions of maxillary sinus in each group were obtained by aseptic method. The bacterial infection rate and bacterial composition were compared between the two groups. Results: The positive rates of bacteria in high and low anatomical group were 90.32% and 56.60% respectively (P <0.01). In the composition of bacteria, high anatomical variation group G + cocci and G-bacteria constitute ratio of 47.76% and 52.24%. Correspondingly, the data of low anatomical variation group were 62.16% and 37.84% respectively. Conclusion: Anatomic variations in the nose can increase the probability of bacterial infection in the sinus. High anatomical variation is mainly caused by G-bacilli and G + coccus infection.
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