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用低盐(50mMNaCl)和高盐(200mMNaCl)溶液分别处理2年生胡杨并与杂种胡杨作比较,以观察盐分胁迫下胡杨的光合反应及生长反应.光合作用及相关参数的测定结果表明,两个树种的CO2补偿点随盐分浓度的升高而升高,RuBP羧化酶活性随盐分浓度的升高而降低;用高盐处理,在土壤盐分浓度达到07%NaCl时,胡杨的净光合速率仍能在经历一段时间的下降后逐渐回升至相当于对照处理的70%;而杂种胡杨的光合速率只有在土壤盐分浓度低于02%NaCl时方可恢复,当土壤盐分浓度达到05%NaCl时植株即死亡.叶绿素a和a/b比率随盐分水平的升高而升高,叶绿素b和类胡萝卜素的含量则随之降低.荧光分析表明,盐分胁迫造成胡杨光合速率下降的原因不是对光合器官的破坏,而是对光合暗反应的抑制.测定叶片伸长速率和叶片数及比叶面积,发现胡杨在盐胁迫的初期主动调节生长速率并脱落部分叶片(在高盐处理后第1天,胡杨叶片的伸长速率下降70%,至第3天,开始落叶);在处理过程中,胡杨叶片的比叶面积随盐分水平的升高而降低,说明有叶片肉质化现象.这些均有利于增强抗盐性. The 2-year-old Populus euphratica was treated with low salt (50mM NaCl) and high salt solution (200mM NaCl) to compare with the photosynthesis and growth responses of Populus euphratica under salt stress. The results of photosynthesis and related parameters showed that the CO2 compensation point of two tree species increased with the increase of salt concentration and the activity of RuBP carboxylase decreased with the increase of salt concentration. When reaching 07% NaCl, the net photosynthetic rate of Populus euphratica gradually rose to 70% of that of the control after a period of decline. However, the photosynthetic rate of Populus euphratica was only lower than 02% NaCl can only resume, when the soil salt concentration reached 0  5% NaCl plant died. The ratio of chlorophyll a and a / b increased with the increase of salinity level, while the contents of chlorophyll b and carotenoid decreased. Fluorescence analysis showed that the reason why the photosynthetic rate of Populus euphratica decreased due to salt stress was not the damage to photosynthetic organs but the inhibition of photosynthetic dark response. The leaf elongation rate, number of leaves and specific leaf area were measured. The results showed that Populus euphratica could actively regulate the growth rate and shed some leaves at the initial stage of salt stress (on the first day after salt treatment, the elongation rate of Populus euphratica leaves decreased by 70% 3 days, the beginning of deciduous); In the process of treatment, the specific leaf area of ​​Populus euphratica leaves decreased with the increase of salt levels, indicating the phenomenon of leaf succulent. These are conducive to enhancing salt resistance.
在传统武术中侧踹腿是重要的实用性腿法,它速度快、力量大、猛狠毒、隐蔽性强、不易守,来去一条线,在散打实战搏杀中应用较广。  笔者了解到一些武术散打习练爱好者在使用侧踹腿时,因速度慢、制敌先机已过而击空,甚至被对手所制被动受打。或在平时的训练中,作空踹腿时速度快,但在实战时就乱了手腿,踹的腿不成型,没有了杀伤力,也就制服不了对手。针对这些情况,我制订了习练侧踹腿的方法,并在较短的时间内能使习练者有较
一、压铸模具钢的性能要求 众所周知,压儿铝和黄铜的模具其型腔中的某些现象是制约模具使用寿命的主要因素。其中最主要的现象是热疲劳、粗大裂纹、磨损和塑性变形。 热疲劳
一、概述生产图1所示的口杯铁坯拉深体,材料厚度为0.3毫米,材质为08钢,经工艺计算需拉深两次。六十年代初,有些较大的搪瓷广曾 First, an overview Produced in Figure 1,
使用α粒子径迹法研究了硼在焊缝金属中的分布。并通过透射电镜分析和化学相分析确定了含硼相的结构和数量。 The distribution of boron in the weld metal was investigat
苏州尼赛拉电子有限公司是中国科学院上海技术物理研究所德福光电技术公司与日本陶瓷株式会社于1994年共同投资创办的高新技术企 Suzhou Nesera Electronics Co., Ltd. is
由中国电子学会可靠性分会、生产技术分会、电子机械工程分会联合主办的《第四届电子产品防护技术研讨会》定于2004年5月21~25日在安徽省安庆市潜山县天柱山宾馆召开。 征文
<正> 九宫掌是九宫门主体功法,又名九宫拳,全称九宫阴阳连环掌,是武当派九宫门历代秘传武技。九宫掌起源于少林心意拳、松溪内家拳和《易经》、《拳经》、《孙子兵法》等古代