找到那个“点” 平衡“产”和“学”的两端——上海澳星照明电器制造有限公司董事长张辉谈产学研

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也许任何观念或思想的形成和产生,同时也伴随着相对应的矛盾和问题的产生。从产学研提出至今,人们没有一天停止讨论、争执这个话题。的确如此,那些看似简单的问题人们都能各执一词,更别说产学研这个牵涉到多方利益、责任、权力和义务的庞大而复杂的课题。可以说,世界上还没有人能渊博到将产学研这个话题所带来的问题和矛盾很好地解决掉,不管是理论上的,还是实践中的。采访过很多企业,各个行业,各个领域的,当谈起产学研这个话题时,每个人都有自己的见解,自己的经验,自己的难处,企业说高校的不是,高校说企业“不懂他们的心”,当然这中间也不乏合作愉快的企业和高校。那么,作为“局外人”的笔者,我所能做的就是将自己的所见所闻记录下来,将那些有过产学研经验的企业作为一个个案例,通过这些案例,希望那些关心产学研的读者能从中吸收到精华的所在,吸取别人的经验和教训,在未来的产学研道路中走得越来越顺。 Perhaps the formation and production of any ideas or ideas, but also accompanied by the corresponding conflicts and problems. Since the research institute put forward till now, people do not stop discussing one day and dispute this topic. Indeed, those seemingly simple questions can all be said by one person, let alone the large, complex subject involving production, education and research that involves multiple interests, responsibilities, powers and obligations. It can be said that no one in the world can profoundly solve the problems and contradictions brought about by the topic of production, learning and research, whether in theory or in practice. Interviewed many enterprises, industries and fields, when talking about the topic of production, learning and research, everyone has his own opinions, his own experiences and his own difficulties. Enterprises say that colleges and universities do not. Universities say that enterprises do not understand them Heart “, of course, there is no lack of pleasant cooperation between enterprises and universities. Well, as an author of ”outsider", all I can do is to record what I have seen and heard, and take those enterprises that have experience in industry, university and research as a case study. Through these cases, I hope that those who are concerned with industry, From which to absorb the essence of the place, drawing on the experience and lessons of others, in the future production and research road go more and more smoothly.
在实施了MES之后,美丰化工的生产成本下降了0.1%~1%,按年产100万吨尿素能力计算,一年带来经济效益170万元左右。 After MES was implemented, the production cost of Meifen
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