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冷战结束后,国际法律秩序正在经历着一次新的重构,出现了较为明显的从“主权本位”和“同意导向”向“人权本位”和“强制导向”逐渐发展演变的趋势。而在这一过程中,国际刑法产生了重要的作用和影响,或者说此次重构进程就是在国际刑法的引领之下展开的。然而,目前的国际法体系仍以主权国家的“同意”为基础,恐怕不应以“强制”为导向,但是在国际刑法的发展中已经出现了明显的强制倾向,而这与国际法的“应然”状态显然有很大的差距。对国际刑法过度扩张的势头应持冷静和审慎观察的立场,与此同时积极主动倡导和引导建立包容、多元、平等和公正的后冷战国际法律秩序,发挥国际法律秩序促进维持国际和平与安全、保障各国社会经济可持续发展和保护人权的积极作用。 After the end of the Cold War, the international legal order is undergoing a new process of reconstruction. There has been a clear gradual shift from the “sovereign standard” and the “consent-oriented” direction to “human rights standard” and “mandatory guidance” The trend of development and evolution. In this process, international criminal law has played an important role and influence, or the reconstruction process is under the guidance of international criminal law. However, the current system of international law is still based on the “consent” of sovereign countries and probably should not be guided by “coercion.” However, there has been a clear tendency toward coercion in the development of international criminal law, which is not inconsistent with international law “Should ” state is obviously a big gap. At the same time, we should take the initiative to advocate and guide the establishment of an international post-Cold War legal order that is inclusive, pluralistic, equal and fair, exerting an international legal order to promote the maintenance of international peace and security, The positive role of ensuring the sustainable socio-economic development of all countries and protecting human rights.
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