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我是微机房管理员,机房有20台386兼容机,所配的FJ1028型14英寸彩色显示器既无图纸资料,又无说明书。经过对这种显示器的多次修理,积累了若干经验,现介绍给大家供参考。 [例1] 故障现象 开机后帧幅高度不足,居中约占1/3的高度,显示的字符均被压扁而看不清楚,10几分钟后,屏显恢复正常。 分析与检修 造成这种故障的原因可能与帧扫描有关电路的元器件接触不良有关。打开机壳,观察有关电路的元器件,并无异常,用无感起子拨动电阻、电容器、接插件时均无松动之感。开机加电观察,故障依然存在。继续拨动推拉有关元器件,当推拉至帧幅度调节电位器与主板之间的接插件时,发现用力往下压时故障消失,往外拉出时故障出现,由此断定此为故障处。关断电源,撕开接插件上的不干胶带,拔出该6脚接插件的插头,将其中的5根软线与5个针鼻取出,焊牢之后依次再插回,插上插座, I am a computer room administrator, the engine room has 20 386 compatible machines, with the FJ1028 14-inch color display neither drawings nor instructions. After several repairs on this display, has accumulated a number of experience, are introduced to you for reference. [Example 1] Symptom After the boot frame height is insufficient, about 1/3 of the center height, the characters are crushed flat and not see clearly, 10 minutes later, the screen back to normal. Analysis and troubleshooting cause of this failure may be related to the frame scanning circuit components related to poor contact. Open the case, observe the circuit components, there is no exception, with no flu opener toggle resistance, capacitors, connectors without loose feeling. Power and power observation, the fault still exists. Continue to push and pull related components, push and pull to the frame amplitude adjustment potentiometer and the connector between the motherboard, found the force down the fault disappears, pulled out when the fault appears, thus concluding that this is a fault. Turn off the power, rip open the adhesive tape on the connector, pull out the plug of the 6-pin connector, remove the 5 cords and 5 needles, re-insert the socket after that,
美国《现代轮胎经销商》(年3月1日报道:东洋轮胎美国公司已将一种交叉车型轮胎——Versado CUV添加到其Versado奢华轮胎系列中。该款轮胎拥有
经历过香港回归之年的人都会对彭定康这个名字留下印象,这位英国历史上最后的殖民地总督在他有限的任期内,制造出了太多的不平静。彭定康回英国后,出任欧盟外交专员。在 Peo