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我们九月份工作,主要是欢迎欢送,准备粮秣运输,支持二野及两广纵队前进;召开了专员县长粮食局长联席会议及税务局长会议,传达陈云同志及华中诸首长关于秋征、税收、金融贸易的指示,布置了征收公粮田赋与税收任务,讨论了财经工作及各级编制;南昌市召开了各界代表会议;起草了精简节约草案。现在各专署正开县的干部会议,传达并布置征秋工作,会后即将根据全省地书联席会议决定普遍召开区乡农代会、市县代表会,在剿匪反霸发动群众的总任务下集中力量,保证在五○年一月底前能彻底完成公粮任务,开展促进物资交流,推销农村必需品,整顿税收,并结合培养领导骨干建设村政权等工作。大体布置下去了,各部门也在分头进行,我们觉得目前所存在着的主要问题是如何统一思想认识与贯彻政 Our work in September mainly welcomed the farewell reception and preparation for the transport of food and agricultural products and supported the move of the Second Field and the Guangdong and Guangxi groups. We held a meeting of the Commissioner of the County Food Bureau and the Commissioner of the Inland Revenue Department to convey Comrade Chen Yun and the Central Huazhou Chiefs’ Trade directives arranged the task of collecting farmland taxes and taxes, discussed financial work and preparation at all levels, held a meeting of representatives from all walks of life in Nanchang, and drafted a streamlined and economized draft. At present, the special agency Zhengkae County cadres ’meeting conveys and arranges the collection of autumn work. According to the decision of the joint book-writing of the province, it is about to hold a general meeting of district and township farmers’ congresses and cities and counties, and under the general task of mobilizing the masses against bandit gangs, We will concentrate our efforts on ensuring the complete fulfillment of the tasks of public grain by the end of January of the year, carry out such tasks as promoting the exchange of materials, promoting rural necessities, rectifying taxes, and building the leading cadre in building the village government. In general, the various departments are working separately, and we think the main existing problem now is how to unify our thinking and implementation
摘 要:近年来,在互联网行业变革性新技术层出不穷的发展趋势下,大数据、云计算、物联网等概念创新异常活跃,在全行业及商业市场整体环境内引发了新一轮的应用化变革转型。  关键词:互联网+;财务信息化  越来越多的行业和企业已率先跨越概念布局阶段,全面主动进入了“互联网+”时代。可以说,随着企业谋求业务转型升级的同时,“互联网+”背景下企业原有的财务管理模式也应随之进行升级改造。财务管理也应与时俱进,借
我大队社员郭××,男,四十五岁,一年前喉结右下方出现一个鸡蛋大小,柔软,活动,皮肤无变色的肿块。近半年来,患者自觉肿块处育胀感、钝痛及吞咽不畅。 My brigade member Gu
过去5年中已报道应用甲地孕酮醋酸酯(Megestrol acetate)的硅胶皮下埋藏法可成功地控制妊娠。不过最近的动物试验中发现在使用某些孕激素(包括甲地孕酮醋酸酯)后,出现乳房小