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2007年7月我们组织了一期为期15天的有55名专职武装干部参加的集训。通过集训,使新任30名专武部长尽快熟悉了工作程序和内容,撑握了基本业务技能,为胜任本职工作奠定了良好的基础。一、着眼任务,深入教育,增强做好武装工作的责任感、紧迫感训前,我们对55名专武干部的思想状况进行了深入摸底。一是从军事变革上进行引导。主要是请驻军单位专家讲解新军事变革的成因、现状和发展趋势,观看高技术局部战争录像,引导大家从理论和实践的结合上认清新军事变革的核心是信息化,应对新军事变革挑战关键是人才。二是从做好现实军事斗争准备的需要上进行引导。使专武干部时刻牢记“居安思危”、“忘战必危”的古训。三是从现实要求上进行引导。针对“老武装”能力强、热情低、“新武装”有热情、能力弱等问题,通过学习引导,激发“热爱武装、献身武装”的工作热情,增强了做好武装工作的责任感和紧迫感。二、着眼特点,科学组训,提高了集训效果 In July 2007, we organized a 15-day training course involving 55 full-time armed cadres. Through training, the 30 newly appointed military specialists became acquainted with the working procedures and contents as soon as possible, holding the basic business skills and laying a good foundation for their own work. First, focusing on tasks, in-depth education, and enhancing the sense of responsibility and sense of urgency in carrying out armed work, we conducted an in-depth study of the ideological conditions of 55 specialized military cadres. First, to guide the military reform. Mainly asking experts from the garrison units to explain the cause, current situation and development trend of the new military revolution, watch the video of the high-tech local war and guide the people from recognizing the combination of theory and practice. The core of the new military revolution is informationization and the challenges of the new military transformation The key is talent. The second is to guide the need for a realistic preparation for the military struggle. So that military cadres always keep in mind “vigilant ”, “forget the danger will be dangerous,” the old saying. The third is to guide on the actual requirements. For the “old armed” strong, low enthusiasm, “new armed ” enthusiasm, weak ability and other issues, through the study and guidance, to stimulate “love armed, dedicated armed ” enthusiasm and enhance the armed Job sense of responsibility and urgency. Second, focus on characteristics, scientific training group, improve the training effect
浙江、福建省不久前相继出台了维护国防利益和军人军属合法权益法律保障工作的《若干规定(试行)》,在总结多年来的实践经验基础上,从组 Not long ago, Zhejiang and Fujian
ASchoolGardenTom:W illiam has asked m e for a loan of five pounds.Should I be doingright in lending itto him?Jack:Certainly.Tom:A nd why?Jack:Because otherwise
chool arden f nglish The day started out rotten. She overslept and was late for work. Everything that happened at the office contributed to her nervous frenzy (
新华社北京1988年1月8日电:“人民解放军第一个陆军集团军直升机大队今天在华北某地成立”  这一消息,宣告了解放军陆军一个新兵种的诞生,其作战能力开始实现由“地面合成”向“立体合成”的飞跃,标志着解放军现代化建设又向前跨出新的步伐    陆军家族的后起之秀    在华北某地,笔者采访了解放军集团军中第一支陆航部队——某直升机大队,看到了中国陆航部队发展的缩影  一架架武装直升机运输直升机通信直升