Fundus Analysis and Visual Prognosis of Macular Hemorrhage in Pathological Myopia without Choroidal

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Purpose:To analysis and evaluate the fundus characteristics and visual prognosis of macular hemorrhage in pathological myopia without choroidal neovasculopathy. Methods:Thirty-seven patients (38 eyes) of pathological myopia with macular hemorrhage and without choroidal neovascularization (CNV) underwent color photograph and fundus fluorescein angiography (FFA) examinations. Indocyanine green angiography (ICGA) was also performed on 11 patients (11 eyes). Follow-up ranged from 3 to 21 months. Results:The macular hemorrhage in pathological myopia without CNV demonstrated oval, less than 1PD, without edema and exudation. Lacquer cracks appeared at the site of previous subretinal bleeding in 84.2% of the eyes. The visual acuities were improved in 81.6% of eyes during the follow-up period. ICGA revealed linear hypofluorescence in 7 of 11 eyes (63.6%), indicating a ruptured Bruch’s membrance at the onset of subretinal bleeding. Conclusion:A rupture of choriocapillaris complex and Bruch’s membrane causes macular hemorrhage of pathological myopia without CNV, leading to the formation of a new lacquer crack. Its prognosis is favorable. Eye Science 2004;20:57-62. Methods: To analyze and evaluate the fundus characteristics and visual prognosis of macular hemorrhage in pathological myopia without choroidal neovasculopathy. Methods: Thirty-seven patients (38 eyes) of pathological myopia with macular hemorrhage and without choroidal neovascularization (CNV) underwent color photograph and fundus Follow-up ranged from 3 to 21 months. Results: The macular hemorrhage in pathological myopia without CNV demonstrated oval, less than 1 PD. (FGA) examinations. Indocyanine green angiography (ICGA) was also performed on 11 patients , without edema and exudation. Lacquer cracks at the site of previous subretinal bleeding in 84.2% of the eyes. The visual acuities were improved in 81.6% of eyes during the follow-up period. ICGA revealed linear hypofluorescence in 7 of 11 eyes ( 63.6%), indicating a ruptured Bruch’s membrance at the onset of subretinal bleeding. Conclusion: A rupture of choriocapillaris complex and Bruch’s mem brane causes macular hemorrhage of pathological myopia without CNV, leading to the formation of a new lacquer crack. Its prognosis is favorable. Eye Science 2004; 20: 57-62.
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