弘扬民族文化 建好古都安阳

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“洹水安阳名不虚,三千年前是帝都”。著名历史学家郭沫若的诗句道出了安阳的悠久历史。安阳是中国的七大古都之一、国家级历史文化名城、中国优秀旅游城市。近年来,我们发挥文化优势,打造特色经济,走文化兴市之路,初步实现了从传统的农业大市向工业化、城镇化、农业现代化大市 “Swill water Anyang nameless, three thousand years ago is the imperial capital.” The famous historian Guo Moruo’s poem outlines the long history of Anyang. Anyang is one of China’s seven ancient capitals, a national historical and cultural city, and an excellent tourist city in China. In recent years, we have given full play to our cultural superiority and built a distinctive economy that takes the path of prospering culture and initially realized the transformation from a traditional agricultural market to a major industrialization, urbanization and agricultural modernization
一、海峡两岸万余信众 隆重庆祝妈祖诞辰 2004年5月12日,农历三月二十三日,是海峡两岸人民一个传统的重要节日。 来自海峡两岸及港澳、海外万余名信众聚集湄洲岛天后广场,隆
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Focus on the Past of Tiexi  每次骑车去机床一厂医院看望姥姥,都要经过很多铁道路口,街两边是灰扑扑的建筑,头顶上是高耸的烟囱。有趣的是,在这样一片轰隆隆、脏兮兮的工业区里,还有一家饼干厂。  铁西区的记忆是纷乱芜杂的,到我能骑着二八自行车自在游逛的年龄,我开始有点迷恋上这片灰黑色的城区。跨越铁轨时的猛烈颠簸,管道交织的奇异景象,钢铁砖石的巨大身影,还有动物饼干的奶香味道,
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