
来源 :中国刑警学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fyf7228912
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根据中央决策部署和公安部党委具体要求,按照《学院关于开展“三严三实”专题教育方案》有关安排,2015年6月16日下午,中国刑事警察学院政委、党委副书记马玉生为学院副处以上干部和正高职教职工讲授了专题党课。全体在校院领导、副局级干部、实职副处以上及正高职人员参加了学习。专题党课由张书杰副院长主持。马玉生政委首先阐述了习近平总书记提出“三严三实”的时代背景及重要意义,并阐释了其深刻内涵。他指出,“三严三实” According to the central decision-making deployment and the specific requirements of the party committee of the Ministry of Public Security, in accordance with the relevant arrangements of the “Strict Institutions of Colleges and Universities on Carrying out the Three-stringent and Three-specific” Education Plan, on the afternoon of June 16, 2015, Ma Yusheng, political commissar and deputy party secretary of the China Criminal Police College, For the college deputy director of cadres and higher vocational faculty taught thematic party. All in the school leadership, deputy director-level cadres, solid above Deputy Office and are involved in the study of senior staff. Thematic party class presided over by Zhang Shujie vice president. Political Commissar Ma Yusheng first described the background and significance of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s proposal of “three strictures and three truths” and explained its profound connotation. He pointed out that “Three strict three ”
1.在日本,审计法人是指由五名以上公认会计士共同组成的特殊法人,其目的在于有组织地进行有关财务文件的审计和鉴证业务. 1. In Japan, an auditor is a special legal enti
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