
来源 :岳麓法学评论 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chessinge
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一、引言李步云先生是我国人权理论界的一面旗帜,是当代中国特色人权理论体系的奠基人、人权法学学科的创立者。先生从事人权研究与教育有三个时间节点:第一个时间节点是《坚持公民在法律上一律平等》一文的发表,该文被公认为是“文化大革命”后法学界突破理论禁区的第一篇人权文章。此文可视为先生人权研究的起点。第二个时间节点是《论人权的三种存在形态》的发表。1991年,先生在《法学研究》发表《论人权的三种存在形态》,此文是先生对人权基本范畴进行研究具有代表性的论文,表明此时先生已经自觉地向中国特色社会主义人权理论体系的构建方向迈进。第三个时间节点是《论人权的本原》的发表。2004年,先生在《政法论坛》 I. Introduction Mr. Li Buyun is a banner of China’s human rights theory circles, the founder of the theoretical system of contemporary human rights with Chinese characteristics, and the founder of human rights law. Mr.Huang has three time nodes in his research and education on human rights: the first time node is the publication of “Persisting in Citizen’s All Laws Equality”, which is generally accepted as the first step in the breakthrough of theory in law circles after the “Cultural Revolution” A human rights article. This article can be regarded as the starting point for Mr. human rights research. The second time node is the publication of “Three Presences of Human Rights.” In 1991, the author published “On the Three Existence Forms of Human Rights” in “Law Research”. This article is a representative thesis on the basic categories of human rights by Mr.. This shows that at this time Mr. has consciously presented the theory of socialist human rights with Chinese characteristics System construction direction. The third time node is the publication of “The Origin of Human Rights.” In 2004, Mr. “Politics and Law Forum”
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在象棋中局混战中,局势紧张复杂,一着之差,往往导致失败; 如果计算不够准确,也会反胜为败。我在学习了《北方棋艺》今年第2期孟立国同志写的中局研究《“子”与“势”浅谈》
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