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各级领导一定要讲学习、讲政治、讲正气。具体到实际工作中,加强领导班子建设就是要提倡“六种精神”。 一、要提倡大局精神。全局统帅局部,局部服从全局,全局依靠局部,局部推动全局,领导班子是全局,每个成员是局部。没有全局的观念,局部的力量再强,也不能发挥有效的作用,只能是一盘散沙,形不成整体优势。因此,全局要最大限度地调动局部的积极性,局部要在全局的指导下最大限度地发挥作用。为此: Leaders at all levels must talk about learning, politics and righteousness. Specific to the actual work, to strengthen leadership team building is to promote “six kinds of spirit.” First, we must advocate the overall situation. In the overall situation, the overall situation is subject to the overall situation of the overall situation. Local relies on the partial and partial promotion of the overall situation. The leading body is the overall situation and each member is local. Without a holistic concept, local forces can no longer play an effective role. They can only be discounted and do not have the overall advantage. Therefore, the overall situation should mobilize the enthusiasm of the localities to the maximum extent and the local departments should exert their utmost their functions under the guidance of the overall situation. to this end:
本文阐述三种主要的古文献释义方法,结合一些具体的翻译实例呈现怎样翻译古文献的词汇和语言。 This article describes three main methods of interpretation of ancient
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We report a case of phlegmonitis of the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum in patient in an immunocompromised state. Culture of gastric juice and blood yielded Ba