Mixed Motives

来源 :Beijing Review | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hulan2010
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Suzhou Museum is a blend of ancient and modern,designed to both stand out and fit in, and be creative yet functional It was a hot and humid Saturday morning in Suzhou, but the uncomfortable weath-er didn’t stop tourists and locals from visiting Suzhou Museum is a blend of ancient and modern, designed to both stand out and fit in, and be creative yet functional It was a hot and humid Saturday morning in Suzhou, but the uncomfortable weath-er did not stop tourists and locals from visiting
我们翻过灵山,从河北省怀来县矾山 镇的黄帝城,沿着永定河大峡谷穿过古村 落拍摄秋景…… 秋风吹起的时候,永定河大峡谷有着 动人的宁静。木板连成的锁桥从两山间的 峡谷延伸
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Dainzin Leshie is 20 years oldnow. Three years ago, hebecame a monk. But then,three months ago, when heheaded out of the Nyain-qentanglha Mountains and became a
As early as four thousandyears ago, the Tibetansalready had developed aninitial aesthetic ideology, acase in point being theadornments unearthed from the Karubr
1.历史的回顾 70年代要求西医学习中医,西医要具备中、西医两套本领,加之当时出版的西医书刊有限,因而西医院校普遍入藏了较为丰富的中医(含中西医结合)书刊。据我室1977年
白雪皑皑的山峰、广阔无垠的草原、鲜红的莨菪花……在这片宁静的土地上,有静谧的湖水、神圣的寺院、淳朴的康巴人,一切都如人们梦想中的田园。 Snow-capped peaks, vast ex