蒙汉团结 造林治沙

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杭锦旗阿色楞图公社境内,现在有一条叫百盖柴登的沙带。可是,在十几年前,这里却是一块水草盛美的地方。原来这条沙带是乱垦滥牧,破坏了植被造成的。植被遭到破坏后,草场沙化,风起沙滚,一条新月型的流动沙带逐渐扩展,附近的牧区社队,生活日渐困苦,人缺口粮,畜缺饲草,有的大队的羊群不得不去外地借场放牧。一九七六年,国家在百盖柴登这块地方建立了治沙站。治沙站的前身是个苗圃。建立治沙站后,在百盖柴登划出了十三万亩宜林地归治沙站使用。于是,在这条沙带上展开了一场蒙汉团结造林治沙的战斗。由于这里是新开辟的作业区,治沙站没在这里盖房舍,每年春 Hangjinqi A color map of the commune, there is now a hundred Chai Deng called the sand. However, in a dozen years ago, it was a place full of plants and flowers. It turned out that this strip of sand is indiscriminate and overcrowded, damaging the vegetation. After the vegetation has been destroyed, desertification of the grasslands, wind and sand rolling, a crescent-shaped mobile sand belt gradually expanded, nearby pastoral commune teams, living in hardship, people gaping, livestock forage, and some brigade flock Had to go field grazing. In 1976, the state established a sand control station in the area where Baigechai Deng was located. Sand control station is the predecessor of a nursery. After the establishment of sand control station, in one hundred Chai Deng delineated one hundred and thirty thousand acres of land to control the station to use Yili. As a result, a battle between the Mongolian and Han troops to unite and afforestation was launched on this sand belt. As this is a newly opened operation area, Sand Control Station is not here to cover buildings, spring each year
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