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我国各种大小型火力发电厂灰碴产量很高,目前多用于铺路或制造水泥,这种利用价值很低,大部分发电厂都将灰碴白白扔掉。该方面的开发研究虽有先例,但成本较高,厂家难以接受。我们利用388防水剂处理灰碴,制得388高效防水粉,质轻、憎水性强、容重小、隔热能力强,在建筑工业上具有很大的应用价值。一、原理电厂灰碴大多为氧化物形成的小颗粒,388防水剂甲组溶液与这些小颗粒表面氧化物发生化学反应,加入乙组溶液,使小颗 The output of ash from various large and small thermal power plants in China is very high. Currently, it is mostly used for paving or making cement. This kind of utilization value is very low. Most power plants throw away ash. Although there are precedents for the development and research in this area, the cost is high and it is difficult for manufacturers to accept it. We use 388 water repellent to treat ash and obtain 388 high-efficiency water-repellent powder. It is light in weight, strong in hydrophobicity, small in bulk density and strong in heat insulation. It has great application value in the construction industry. First, the principle of power plant ash is mostly small particles formed by oxides, 388 water repellent group A solution and these small particles surface oxide chemical reaction, add group B solution, so that small particles
发达资本主义国家利用预算资金对出口实行财政支持的形式实际上共有两种。第一种形式是,政府依靠自己的资金或者利用私人资本的股份成立专门机构(银行和基金组织),该讥构 T
美国历史上有一次国会开会时通过一项议案:“一切从国外进口的果树苗免征关税。”(Allforeignfruit——P lants are freqe from duty)这里说的果树苗是由fruit(水果)和plant
Questions 21 to 25 are based on the follow ing passage.I had an experience som e years ago which taughtm e som ething aboutthe ways in which peoplem ake a bad s
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