合理应用同伴互评 提高初中英语写作质量

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写作教学是我国初中教育机构英语教学活动中的一项重要组成部分,科学、有效的写作教学对增加学生学科知识积累,增强其英语写作能力,提高课堂教学质量等均具有重要作用。但现阶段,我国许多初中英语写作教学中尚存在多种问题,整体教学效果不佳;同时有教育专家指出,于初中英语写作课堂中合理应用同伴互评策略,可有效激发学生学习动力,促进班级学生之间的课堂互动,从而提高教学效率。本文主要从目前我国初中英语写作教学现状出发进行分析,研究并探讨了新时期背景下同伴互评在初中英语写作教学中的具体应用。 Writing teaching is an important part of English teaching activities of junior middle schools in our country. Scientific and effective writing teaching plays an important role in increasing students’ knowledge accumulation, enhancing their English writing ability and improving the quality of classroom teaching. However, at present, many problems still exist in the writing teaching of junior high school in our country, and the overall teaching effect is poor. At the same time, some educational experts point out that the reasonable application of peer assessment strategies in the junior high school English writing classroom can effectively stimulate students’ learning motivation and promote Classroom interaction among class students to improve teaching effectiveness. This article mainly analyzes the current situation of junior high school English writing teaching in our country, and studies and discusses the concrete application of peer peer review in junior high school English writing in the new era.
【摘要】隐喻研究学说表明,隐喻是人类了解世界,去思考,与人交谈和行为表现的奠基。根据这个理论,我们可知隐喻在英语学习中起到很重要的作用。在英语听说、口语和写作方面都有很好的推动作用。就目前来看,英语教学中的词汇教学是一个比较难的部分,但是隐喻的思维可以帮助我们更快的学好英语词汇,提高自己的学习能力,能够很好地把新学到的知识和已有的知识结合在一起,很大程度上提高了学习英语的能力。  【关键词】隐喻
目的 :了解老年期酒依赖的临床特点 ,以利于采取有效的预防及干预措施。方法 :通过出院卡查寻老年酒依赖患者 ,对其临床症状进行分析。结果 :老年酒依赖患者占同期住院酒依赖
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
目的 :了解呼图壁县各民族居民健康状况及差异。方法 :以SCL— 90等工具 ,对汉、哈萨克文本分别对新疆呼图壁县城乡汉、回、哈萨克族居民进行测评并与常模比较。结果 :汉族总