Parsimonious Model for Blood Glucose Level Monitoring in Type 2 Diabetes patients

来源 :Biomedical and Environmental Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:weiwu
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To establish the parsimonious model for blood glucose monitoring in patients with type 2 diabetes receiving oral hypoglycemic agent treatment.One hundred and fifty-nine adult Chinese type 2diabetes patients were randomized to receive rapid-acting or sustained-release gliclazide therapy for 12 weeks.Their blood glucose levels were measured at 10 time points in a 24 h period before and after treatment,and the 24 h mean blood To establish the parsimonious model for blood glucose monitoring in patients with type 2 diabetes receiving oral hypoglycemic agent treatment. One hundred and fifty-nine adult Chinese type 2 diabetes patients were randomized to receive rapid-acting or sustained-release gliclazide therapy for 12 weeks. Their blood glucose levels were measured at 10 time points in a 24 h period before and after treatment, and the 24 h mean blood
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