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在治本未完成前,下游修防工程中,我門必須坚决拥護和贯徹“寬河固堤”的方策。可能有人要問:貫徹就是了,为什么还要添上“坚决”和“拥護”的字眼呢?是否有人在执行中不够坚决,甚至还有不拥護的呢?是的,正是由于一些同志在貫徹上不够坚决,不拥護甚至有意和無意地反对这种方策,所以在这里特別加上“坚决拥護”的字眼。不管是对此方策的意义領会不足无意的反对也好,或者是有意的反对也罢,这种事情是大有人在的。“寬河固堤”的方策是在揚棄“束水攻沙”的方策下提出的。因此,就不能認为废除“束水攻沙”的方策是个輕而易举的事情,因为它有長远的歷史根源、思想根源和一定的社会基礎。正如王化云主任所說:“……这一治河的理論和办法(束水攻沙)几乎 In the pre-treatment is not completed, the downstream repair project, we must firmly support and implement “wide river embankment” policy. Some people may ask: Is it implemented? Why do we add the words of “resoluteness” and “support?” Is it not resolute and even unsupported in the course of implementation? Yes, it is precisely because some comrades In implementing the policy of resoluteness, lack of support or even intentional and unintentional opposition, we hereby attach the words “firmly adhering to” here. Whether this is the meaning of this policy underestimated the unpleasant objections, or deliberately oppose the matter, this kind of thing is a lot of people. The policy of “wide river embankment” is put forward under the policy of sublating “bundling of water and attacking the sand”. Therefore, it can not be considered that the solution to the abolition of the “water and sand attack” is a breeze because it has long-term historical roots, ideological roots and certain social foundation. As Wang Huayun, director said: "... The theory and method of governing the river (Shuishui Gongsha) almost
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