发挥地缘优势 拓展外贸天地

来源 :今日新疆 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liyongrubylian
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“十五”期间,新疆的外经贸有了飞跃性的发展,进出口贸易额平均增长28.5%,增速居全国前列。刚刚过去的2005年,我区实现进出口总额79.4亿美元,比上年增长40.9%,其中出口额达到50.4亿美元,比上年增长65.5%。进出口额列全国第14位,比2000年上升了8位,居西部12个省市区首位。这是记者今年3月从自治区外经贸厅获得的喜讯。回顾“十五”我区外经贸取得的跨越 During the period of the 10th Five-Year Plan, Xinjiang’s foreign trade and economic cooperation has seen a leapfrog development. The volume of import and export trade has increased by 28.5% on average, and the growth rate ranks the top in the country. Just passed in 2005, our region achieved a total import and export of 7.94 billion US dollars, an increase of 40.9% over the previous year, of which exports reached 5.04 billion US dollars, an increase of 65.5% over the previous year. The import and export volume ranks the 14th in the country, an increase of 8 places over 2000, ranking the first among the 12 provinces and municipalities in the west. This is the good news the reporter received from the Foreign Economic and Trade Department of the autonomous region in March this year. Recalling the “15th Five-Year Plan” for the economic and trade gains in our region
Within the context of innovation, there are things that deserve interpretations from various angles. One such angle is that critical technology cannot be introd
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语气助词“了”通常有两种用法。它的第一种用法是:表示某件事或某个情况肯定已经发生了.如: ①刮风了。 (“刮风”这种情况已经发生了。) ②他去打乒乓球了. (“打乒乓球”