
来源 :建筑技术通讯(暖通空调) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong601
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常年使用的室内热水游泳池,为保持室内的卫生环境,防止屋顶及墙面的结露,保证建筑物的寿命,必须采暖通风。当有观众席时,夏季还需设空调。对游泳池的水要加氯气进行灭菌处理,因而就会有氯气从水里扩散到空气中去,从控制空气中氯气体浓度在允许值(日本规定游泳池室内的氯气体允许浓度为1ppm)以下看,通风也是必要的。由于对空气中的氯气浓度检测控制较困难,转而用控制室内空气中的CO_2气体浓度来间接实行,认为它在室内空气中的浓度在1000ppm以下,则氯气也就在允许值以下。一、采暖通风对建筑设计的要求 1.为使屋顶及墙壁的内表面不结露,首先必须有良好的保温措施(即保证围护结构 The indoor hot water pool used all the year round must be heated and ventilated in order to maintain the indoor sanitary environment, prevent condensation on the roof and walls, and ensure the life of the building. When there is an auditorium, air conditioning is still needed during the summer. The chlorine in the swimming pool is sterilized by adding chlorine gas, and chlorine gas will be diffused into the air from the water. The chlorine gas concentration in the control air is below the permissible value (the allowable concentration of chlorine gas in the swimming pool in Japan is 1ppm). Look, ventilation is also necessary. Because it is difficult to detect and control the concentration of chlorine in the air, it is indirectly implemented by controlling the concentration of CO 2 gas in the indoor air. It is considered that if the concentration in the indoor air is less than 1000 ppm, the chlorine gas is below the allowable value. 1. Requirements for Heating Ventilation on Building Design 1. In order to prevent condensation on the inner surfaces of roofs and walls, good insulation measures must first be taken
解码小Q:我从初中到现在一直是班长,学习成绩很好,每次考试在班上都是名列前茅,老师家长对我都抱有很高的期望。遗憾的是,我非常不会处理和同学之间的 Decoding small Q: I
A NATIONWIDE inspection of miningenterprises has been launched in a re-newed bid to improve industrial safetyand reduce accidents. A NATIONWIDE inspection of