Multi-channel radar array design method and algorithm

来源 :Science China(Information Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sturdy13
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The array design of radar antenna is no more a new problem at all. Nevertheless, the array design of multi-channel radar, especially that of MIMO (multiple-input multiple-output) radar, is a new problem. The performance of space diversion and spatial sampling of target scattering are dependent on the array design of MIMO radar, and consequently, which in turn will determine the performances of target parameter estimation, DOA, and imaging. In this paper, commencing with target scattering model, T/R signal model of MIMO radar, and spatial sampling ability for this system are analyzed. Conceptually, under the far field condition, spatial convolution principle determines the array design theory. Based on this idea, array design method and also algorithm are proposed in this paper. The array design of radar antenna is no more a new problem at all. Nevertheless, the array design of multi-channel radar, especially that of MIMO (multiple-input multiple-output) radar, is a new problem. The performance of space diversion and spatial sampling of target scattering are dependent on the array design of MIMO radar, and therefore, which in turn will determine the performances of target parameter estimation, DOA, and imaging. In this paper, commencing with target scattering model, T / R signal model of MIMO radar, and spatial sampling ability for this system are analyzed. Conceptually, under the far field condition, spatial convolution principle determines the array design theory. Based on this idea, array design method and also algorithm are proposed in this paper.
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