发展民营科技 振兴社会经济

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党的十一届三中全会以来,民营科技企业得以诞生,是政治、经济和科技体制改革的产物,它同国有企业、乡镇企业一样,是以公有制经济为主体,多种经济成份共同发展的有机组成部分。宣威市是全国最早诞生民营科技企业的县(市)之一。早在1979年10月,全国科技大会后不久,原宣威银耳研究所,开创了民营科技事业的先河。它比北京第一个民营科技企业,中关村陈春先创办的“先进技术发展服务部”还早了一年。此后民营科技企业如雨后春笋,在中华大地上,截止1996年底,已发展到近10万家。近年来宣威发展的10家民营科技企业,在数量上虽然远远不能适应全市社会经济、科技 Since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, privately-run science and technology enterprises have emerged. They are the result of political, economic and technological reforms. Like state-owned enterprises and township enterprises, privately-owned science and technology enterprises are based on the public-owned economy as the mainstay and their various economic sectors develop side by side Organic components. Xuanwei City is one of the first counties (cities) in China to have private technology enterprises. As early as October 1979, shortly after the National Science and Technology Conference, the former Xuanwei White Ears Research Institute set a precedent for private scientific and technological undertakings. It is still one year earlier than Beijing’s first private technology company and Zhongguancun Chen Chunxian founded Advanced Technology Development Service. Since then, private technology enterprises springing up in the land of China, as of the end of 1996, has grown to nearly 100,000. In recent years Xuanwei development of 10 private technology companies, although the number is far from the city’s social economy, science and technology
Photodynamic therapy(PDT) is one of the latest biomedical technologies used for treatment of various neoplastic and non-neoplastic diseases. However, there stil
本文介绍一种较为便利的大鼠尼古丁戒断综合征模型的建立方法。♂大鼠每日sc尼古丁6次,剂量从0.5mg·kg-1逐渐递增至4mg·kg-3,共给药9d。未次给药后60min,sc 1mg ·kg-1美加明激发,观察记录大鼠行为和症状变化20min,实验
以3种动物模型研究了血脂康的降血脂作用。将25%酪蛋白加入家兔基础饲料中,60d后血清TC从1.81mmol/L升至7.51mmol/L,则内源性高胆固醇血症模型建立;血脂康0.4,0.8g·kg ̄(-1)·d ̄(-1)治疗性给药30d后,有显著降低血清TC浓度和TC/HDL-C比值(0.8g.kg ̄(-1)·d ̄(-1))的作用(P<0.05)。
针对激光烧蚀不能严格控制沿光轴方向尺寸精度的问题,本文研究将激光三角测量光路集成于激光烧蚀光路,测量数据反馈控制脉冲激光,讨论了光路集成中的若干问题。 Aiming at the