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广东是中国的铀资源大省,现已探明的铀矿资源储量居全国前列。1955年初,为应对西方国家的核威胁,毛泽东做出了创建中国核工业、研制核武器的战略决策。铀矿地质工作是发展核工业的先行者,广东省核工业地质局的前身是核工业部中南209队,1955年成立。50年来,广东铀矿地质勘查工作大致经历以下阶段:1955年到1956年组建队伍,中苏合作,边学边干,掌握技术;1956年到1970年在云、贵、川、藏、豫、疆、粤开展普查揭露工作,其中以1964年粤北诸广会战为最;1970年12月,划归解放军序列,整编为基建工程兵第203师,全面开展铀矿地质勘查;1984年根据中央决定,所属队伍从解放军序列划出,改编为核工业华南地质勘探局,后为核工业华南地质局,辖10个地勘单位,展开“保军转民”二次创业;2000年2月至今,划归广东省政府管理,更名为广东省核工业地质局,“开展了更为艰难的新的创业”。 Guangdong is China’s major province for uranium resources and has now proven reserves of uranium resources in the nation. In early 1955, Mao Zedong made strategic decisions to establish China’s nuclear industry and develop nuclear weapons in response to the nuclear threat posed by Western countries. Uranium geological work is the pioneer of the development of nuclear industry, Guangdong Nuclear Geological Bureau predecessor of the Ministry of Nuclear Industry, South 209 team was established in 1955. Over the past 50 years, the geological prospecting work of uranium deposits in Guangdong has generally gone through the following stages: the formation of teams from 1955 to 1956, the cooperation between China and the Soviet Union, the learning through science and technology, and the mastery of technology. In 1956 and 1970, Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Tibet, Xinjiang and Guangdong carried out census exposures, of which the Canton of Guangdong in 1964 was the most extensive battle; December 1970, was placed under the PLA sequence, reorganized as 203 Corps of infrastructure Corps, the full uranium geological exploration; 1984, according to the Central Committee , Their respective ranks from the People’s Liberation Army sequence drawn, adapted for the nuclear industry South China Geological Exploration Bureau, after the nuclear industry South China Bureau of Geology, jurisdiction over 10 geological exploration units, launched “Baojunzhuan ” second pioneering; February 2000 So far, under the management of the Guangdong Provincial Government, renamed the Guangdong Provincial Bureau of Nuclear Geology, “carried out a more difficult new venture ”.
编者按:  爱?恩Art装置小组国际巡展?中国首展“存在与虚无”于6月13日至7月10日在北京当代艺术馆展出,彭锋担任策展人。装置小组由荷兰的马蕙,德国的史蒂芬,中国北京的赵浥,中国台湾的邱雨玟四位女艺术家组成,她们用装置、多媒体等方式,让艺术梦想在北京当代艺术馆成为“艺术的存在”。  北京当代艺术馆坐落于北京宋庄大兴庄500号艺术观光园,并沒有太多的人会关注这个“偏远”的地方。若不是看到展馆外铁
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