
来源 :中国法律 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:maitianquan159
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1997年,党的十五大正式将依法治国确立为党领导人民治理国家的基本方略,明确提出了建设社会主义法治国家的战略目标。这一重大抉择在当代中国法治建设史上具有里程碑式的意义。十年来,社会主义法治理论与实践不断丰富和发展,特别是进入新世纪后,我们党提出依法执政是党执政的基本方式,在党法关系这一事关依法治国全局的核心问题上取得了重大理论突破。依法执政的提出,将党的执政能力建设与国家的法治建设有机统一起来,将党的基本执政方式与治理国家的基本方略有机统一起来.从提高党的孰政水平入手,推进依法治国,这是我们党对自身建设和社会主义法治建设的新认识,是社会主义法治理论与实践的新发展。 In 1997, the 15th National Party Congress formally established the principle of governing the country according to law as the basic strategy for the party to lead the people in governing the country and clearly set forth the strategic goal of building a socialist country ruled by law. This major decision has a milestone in the history of the construction of law in contemporary China. Since the entry into the new century, our party has proposed that ruling the country by law is the basic way for the party to take power and has made significant achievements in the relationship between the party and the law and the overall issue of governing the country according to law. In the past ten years, the theory and practice of the rule of law in the socialist market have been constantly enriched and developed. Theoretical breakthrough. According to the principle of ruling by law, the party’s governing capability is organically integrated with the rule of law, and the organic combination of the basic governing style of the party and the basic strategy of governing the country is carried out. It is our party’s new understanding of self-construction and the construction of socialist law and the new development of the theory and practice of the socialist rule of law.
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